The Library of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (BPUSL) is engaged in a sublime mission of achieving objectives of the institution aimed at propagating Buddhism and promoting Pali language locally and internationally. The Library is engaged in the noble endeavor of fulfilling that objective. The collection at the library of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka is enriched with 59,000 books related to the subjects that are taught at the university.
The main objective of the library is to provide learning materials for the students and members of the academic staff which enable them to continue their studies smoothly. In addition to that, provision of facilities for reading as required by the staff, supply of research facilities for the external and foreign researchers are provided. In addition to that conducting motivational workshops and orientation sestions for the development of the desire for reading and direction towards universal knowledge, OER etc. are done by the library. Supply of books,magazine, technological documents and other type of publications required by the academic staff and student for educational and reaearch undertakings,fulfillment of reading needs of the university staff, provision of reference facilities for both local and foregin researches are also done by the library.
The library collection is classified using the 23rd Edition of Dewe Decimal Classification Scheme and collection is arranged accordingly.
The main library is situated at Gurulugomi Mawatha, Pitipana North, Homagama. The library has four stoey building. On the ground floor the main counter of the library and the Computer Laboratory are housed. On the Second Floor, a reference section, a periodical section and the main reading rooms, theses collection are located.
On the third floor, the information exhibition unit of the university, Language Centre, Library Conference room is located. The Museum of Buddhist Arts which was developed for the Department of Archeology is located on the fourth floor. A branch of a library is situated at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at 214, Bauddhaloka Mawatha,Colombo 07.
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Dr. W.W.K. Lalith BA (Hons) (Kelaniya)MLS (Colombo), PhD (Wuhan – China) Designation: LibrarianOfficial Telephone: +94112 892 331 Ext: 2313 Personal Telephone: +9477 121 6621 Email Address: librarian@bpu.ac.lk |
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Ms. U.G.M.C. Manori Samarakoon B.A. (Hons) University of Kelaniya Official Telephone: +94112 857 786 Ext: 2205 Personal Telephone: +9477 024 9492 Email Address: manori@bpu.ac.lk |
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Mr. M.U.S. De Livera
Library Information Assistant (Grade I)
Tel. Ex. 2218 |
Mr. R. B. Kankanange
Library Information Assistant (Grade II)
Tel. Ex. 2213 |
Mrs. K.K.G.S.M.K. Kaduwela
Library Information Assistant (Grade III)
Tel. Ex. 2212 |
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Mrs. D.R.G. Amali Sandarekha Rajapakshe
Library Information Assistant (Grade III)
Tel. Ex. 2218 |
Mr. Wimal Jayasinghe - Library Attendant (Grade II)
Tel. Ex. 2218 |
Mrs. N. B. Ranasinghe
Library Attendant (Grade II)
Tel. Ex. 2218 |
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Mrs. K. A. A. P. Kathriaarachchi -
Library Attendant (Grade II)
Tel. Ex.2210 email – priyadarshanianupama5@gmail.com |
Mr. P. D. T. Gayapriya
Library Attendant (Grade II)
Tel. Ex .2218 |
Mrs. L. G. C. Darshanie
Library Attendant (Grade II)
Tel. Ex.2218 email– Chathurikadarshani1991@ gmail.com
Only the internal students are issued library membership
Duly filled membership application along with a copy of the university student identity card should be submitted at the registration
Library card cannot be replaced.
Books are issued only for memebership card renewed for the relevant year
Memebership cards are renewed only within the first two months of each academic year
Academic year |
Lendig cards |
Reference cards |
Additional Cards |
Total |
First Year |
1 |
- |
3 |
Second Year |
2 |
1 |
- |
3 |
Third Year |
2 |
1 |
- |
3 |
Forth Year |
2 |
1 |
- |
4 |
please produce your library card and the university student identity card when borrowing books
Show the borrowed books to the security officer at the exit
The member is fully responsible for materials borrowed for the card.
Bringing borrowed books into the library is not allowed
In the event of losing a borrowed book, inform the librarian immeadiately in writing/over the phone.
If any damage is found at the time of returning a borrowed book, the member is fully responsible for that
Causing damages to books, tearing or removing of their pages and stealing of books are punishable offence for which disciplinary action will be taken
Producing of student identity card is compulsory to use the library
Carrying following items into the library such as
books, files, sheets of papers, bags, rain coats, bottle of water ,umbrellas, food items is prohibitted
Using mobile phones in the library is strictly prohibited.
A token should be obtained from the security officer at the enterence to the library
When leaving the library that token should be returned
Complete silence should be maintained while in the library
Keep the used books on a table
please do not disarray the books in the shelves
Week days-from 8.30 a.m to 4.00 p.m
During the study leave and examination period-from 8.30 a.m to 7.15 p.m
The Library will be closed on public holidays and at weekends
Rs 3.00 will be charged per day for overdue books
A fine for lost books will be doubled the prize of the book
In case a membership card or book a borrowed book is lost , it should be immeadiately informed in written to the librarian
New library cards will be issued charching Rs..150.00
User Education - Awareness training sessions/workshop
Inter Library Loan
Content page services- different subject
Use of the Library by an external researcher is allowed on the special permission of the librarian.
Library books and articles that are not available in the library, can be requested through this service. Such requests should be submitted to the librarian. Requested materials are supplied from the nearest avaialble library for a period of two weeks.
Internet facilities are available for the readers in the computer lab of the main library.
Searching facilities are provided through this facilitiy.
Photocopying services is avaialble 8.30 a.m to 3.30 p.m on weekdays
Photocopying is limited to 10 to 15 pages of a material
Outside books, Notes etc. are not allowed to photocopy
One side only
Two Sides