Awards and Scholaships

Mahapola Scholarships

This Scholarship Scheme was commenced by the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Consumer Affairs. The scholarship is offered based on the maximum marks scored at the G.C.E.(A.L ) Examination. Mahapola Scholarships benefits are granted subject to a maximum of Rs. 5000/= which contains Rs. 2150/- granted by the Funds based on the Family income reports  and Rs. 2850/- given by the University. The amount payable varies depending on the income reports  and the marks scored at the G.C.E.(A.L ) Examination.

 Lists of payments under the Mahapola Scholarship Scheme are prepared by the Trust Fund Division of the Scheme falling under the purview of the Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Consumer Affairs and taking decisions relating to all matters including the payment of arrears, suspension of installments, re-establishment of the suspended installments etc., shall be the responsibility of the Mahapola Scholarship Trust Fund.

Entitlement to Mahapola Scholarship benefits is limited to   the period in which the students are involving in academic activities following their registration with the University and ten installments are paid during one academic year.

The date/ dates of paying Mahapola Scholarship installments will be exhibited in the Notice Boards in the hostels and in other relevant notice boards. The payment of installments to students who do not collect three continuous installments shall be suspended.   More details on the Mahapola Scholarship Scheme may be obtained from the Students’ Welfare Division.

Conditions pertaining to Mahapola Scholarships and Bursaries 

The conditions pertaining to Mahapola Scholarships and Bursaries are as follows. Following requirements and conditions shall be fulfilled by students to be entitled to  Mahapola Scholarship benefits and obtain the installments paid within the relevant academic period.

  • The installments of the scholarships will be paid monthly subject to the recommendations made by the University depending on the academic progress achieved by the recipient of the scholarship.
  • The scholarship installments will be paid only for three academic years  subject to a maximum of ten installments per year.
  • To receive these scholarship installments, the students shall involve in fulltime academic work.
  •  Non collection of installments within the given  prescribed date/time will lead to the denial of this benefit treating the same as an abandoned scholarship installments.   
  • You are not entitled to receive another scholarship or bursary for the same course or other, once you accept this scholarship.
  • The matters such as; enrolment for another course instead of the course for which the scholarship has been received, non attendance to  the course, giving up the course, engaging in an employment shall lead to the cancellation of the scholarship.
  • If extension of the  course period is needed,  the formal approval received for the same shall be submitted to the Mahapola Scholarship Trust Fund and intends to apply the scholarship the next year, a declaration should be  made to that effect. Such a request will be considered  subject to a  maximum period of one year.
  • Non attendance or non participation in  the lectures, tutorial classes and practical classes regularly may lead to denial of installments and action in this regard will be taken as per the reports submitted by the University.
  •  Engaging in a business, service or an employment to receive an income and increase of  the family income shall lead to non denial of installments and entitlements.
  • The decision of the Mahapola Scholarship Trust Fund regarding the scholarship or scholarship installments would be final and conclusive.

Bursaries and other General matters

Applications would be called by the University for the selection of qualified students to receive bursaries. Ten scholarship installments would be paid per an academic year subject to a maximum monthly payment of Rs. 4000/= based on family income reports and marks. The amounts paid as the bursary would be differed based on the marks obtained and the family income reports submitted.

Suspension of  Bursaries

Ven. Vice Chancellor Thero has the power to totally or temporary suspend the Mahapola Scholarship benefits or Bursaries (Grants) for reasons given below.

  • Not attending the lectures, tutorial classes and practical classes regularly
  •  Misbehavior in and out of the University.
  • Being entitled to another scholarship
  • Non registration for the academic year.
  • Engaging in an income earning through an employment/ another means.
  • Involvement in examination misconducts.
  • Being registered in another Higher Educational Institution.
  • Subject to  a conviction for any other disciplinary offence

It would be compulsory to submit the Student’s Identity Card issued by the University to the Shroff to obtain the scholarship installments and bursaries.

When the payment of bursaries is temporarily or permanently suspended, taking decisions about it is the responsibility of the authorities of the University.

The students those who receive the Mahapola Scholarship shall be disqualified to receive the bursaries.

Ven. Vice Chancellor’s  Fund

This fund  has been established in the year 2001 with the objective of attending to the welfare of the students and the staff as well as  promoting the learning of Buddhist Studies and the study of Pali language. For this purpose, a Controlling Board has been appointed by the University Council.

Awards and Scholarships offered under Internal Examinations Division

A number of awards and scholarships have been established for undergraduates who excel in various fields at relevant levels of degree courses of the university. Students who are exhibiting particular skills in pursuance of their higher education in such a manner that honor the identity of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka may claim those awards and scholarships.

1. Mahopadyaya Award

 This has been established by most Ven. Dr. Kakkapalliye Anuruddha Thero, the first mahopadyaya thero. Therefore, this will be awarded to the graduate selected as the cleverest student of the year having obtained first class honors degree at the B.A. (Special) Degree examination. In the instance where GPA of the recipients of first-class honors is the same, the award is distributed equally among the students.

2. H.M. Thisera Memorial Award

 This award has been established on 29.11.1984 by Mrs. Thisera & her children in memory of late Mr. H.M. Thisera, first registrar of Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka and it is awarded to the student receiving a GPA of 3.3 or above at the B.A. (General) Degree examination in English medium. In the instance where GPA is same, the award is distributed equally among the students.

3. P. Subasinghe Award

 This award has been established by Mr. P. Subasinghe, first bursar of the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka to invoke merit on his late parents Mr. & Mrs. Subasinghe and it will be awarded to the highest mark recipient of the year at the certificate course in English. "An average of 60% or higher marks should have been obtained for the relevant course / subjects to claim this award". In the instance where an average of the marks is same, this award is distributed equally among the students.

4. Pimbure Sri Wageeswara Mahanayaka Memorial Award

 This award which has been established by the most Ven. Katugahahena Dammapala Thero in memory of his teachers will be awarded to the student scoring a GPA of 3.3 or above for the paper, Pali language and literature at the B.A. (Special)Degree examination. In the instance where GPA is same, this award is distributed equally among the students.

5. Kalukodayawe Sri Pannasekara Mahanayaka Thero Award    

This award which has been established by the most Ven. Katuhene Dhammapala Thero in memory of his teachers will be awarded to the highest mark recipient at the B.A. (Special) Degree examination for Buddhist Philosophy. “GPA of 3.3 or above is needed to obtain for the relevant course or subjects to claim this award.” In the instance where GPA is same, the award is distributed equally among the students.

6. Mulin Liyange Memorial Award 

This award has been established on 16/08/1984 by Mr. W. P. Liyanage is residing in London in memory of his mother Mrs. Mulin with a donation of two thousand rupees (Rs.2000/=) and it will be presented to the highest marks recipient for the paper, Buddhism& Scientific Thought – BUPH41183(c) under the course Buddhist Philosophy at the first semester examination of the B.A. (Special) Degree examination. The GPA for this subject should be 3.3 or above. Instance where grade value of the paper is same, award is provided to the student who obtained highest GPA in the relevant semester. If this GPA also same, the award is presented to the student who obtain highest marks for the subject. If the subject marks also same, the award is distributed equally.

7. Most. Ven. Sirimalwatte Ananda Mahanayaka Memorial Award

This award has been established on 01/01/1990 with a donation of rs.70, 000/= received by Ven. Mapalagama Wipulasara Thero from Dharmacharya Mr. Kon Hu, a Buddhist leader in Hong Kong. This was awarded to the highest marks recipient for the paper, Historical Approaches to Academic Study of Religions –REST 41203 (c) under the course Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy at the first semester examination fourth year. In the instance where highest grade value is same, the award is presented to the student who has obtained highest marks for the subject. If those marks also same, the award is distributed equally. The student receiving the highest GPA for the two papers, Field Archeology ARCH 31123 and the Indian Architecture ARCH 31103 at the third year first semester examination for B.A. (Special/General) Degree examinations. When the GPA is same, the student who has obtained highest average mark for the above two subjects is awarded. However, if that average mark is also same, the award is distributed equally.

8. Korean Nationalist Hay John Swamindra Scholarship.

This scholarship has been established with a donation of us$ 2000/= to Mahopadyaya Fund by Korean nationalist Hay John Swamindra. This is awarded for the domestic students who obtain highest marks for Pali Language & Literature, Buddhist Philosophy &Buddhist culture at the third year first & second semester examination of the B.A. (Special) Degree. The GPA of 3.3 or above need to obtain for the relevant subjects. In the instance where, semester grade point averages are same, the award is distributed equally.

9. Francis Hewavidana Award. 

This award has been established on 23/07/1986 utilizing the donation of rs.25, 000/= made available to the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka by Mr. J. Hewavidana, Eigodella, Pitakatuwana, Kamburupitiya. Students of the third year second semester of B.A. (Special/ General) degree are entitled for this. However the award is presented to four students who are fluent in conducting Damma sermons in English Language.

10. Ven. Baduraliye Jinarama Thero Memorial Scholarship. 

This scholarship has been established on 16/09/1986 utilizing a donation of rs.10,000/= made available to the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka by the former president r. Premadasa through Sucharitha Movement and it will be awarded to the highest GPA recipient to the paper Sanskrit Poetic Criticisms SANS 32133 (c) at the B.A. (Special/ General) Degree. The GPA of the student should be 3.3 or above. When the GPA values are same, the award is presented to the student who has obtained highest marks for above subject. If the highest marks are also same for two students, then the award is equally distributed.

11. Ven. Heenatiyana Dammaloka Thero Memorial Scholarship.

This award has been established on 16/09/1986 with a donation of Rs. 10,000/= made to the fund of the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka, by former president R. Premadasa through his Sucharitha Movement and it is awarded to the student scoring highest GPA for the papers study of Pali Sources II (Methods of Buddhist Meditation) PALI 31103&Pali Prakrit Inscriptions & Chronicles PALI 32163 at the B.A. (General) Degree. The GPA of the student should be 3.3 or above. If the highest GPA values are same for two students, the award is presented to the student who has obtained highest average marks. In the instance where this mark is also same, award is distributed equally.

12. Kumbuke Don Sanis Appuhamy & Wanniarachcilage Josthina Fonseka Memorial Award. 

This prize is awarded to the student receiving the highest marks for two papers of the subject of Law & Ethics ARCH 41173 and Heritage Management ARCH 41193 of the fourth year first semester examination of the B.A. (Special) degree programme. The GPA of the student should be 3.3or above. If the grade point averages are same for two students, the award is presented to the student who has obtained highest average marks. If the average mark is also same, the award is distributed equally.

13. Ven. (Dr) Thumbulle Seelakkandha Thero Award. 

This prize was established by Ven. Prof. Thumbulle Seelakkandha Thero, former vice chancellor of the Buddhist &Pali University of Sri Lanka & chief incumbent of Sri Sumangala Viharaya, Wariyapola by donating Rs. 10,000/= to award for the student having obtained first or second class (upper) division pass having studied Pali & Literature course at the B.A. (Pali Special) Degree examination in English medium. The student should score a GPA of 3.3 or above. In the instance where GPA is same, the award is distributed equally.

14. Gamani Jayasooriya Pali Scholarship. 

This scholarship fund was established on 31/05/2005 by Mr. Ananda Jayasooriya, Mr. Prasanna Jayasooriya & Mrs. Devika Vidyaratne in memory of their late father, Gamini Jayasooriya to grant scholarships, rs.2500/= each totally rs.7500/= annually to three students who are scoring the highest marks for the subject of Pali at the following B.A.Degree examinations of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.

Awarded to the bikku student receiving the highest-grade values for the paper Pali Language& Literature in sinhala medium at the first & second semester examination of the second year for B.A. (General) Degree. If the grade values are same for the students, the award is presented to the bikku student who has achieved highest marks for Pali papers. In the instance where that mark is also same, the award is distributed equally.

Awarded to the bikku student receiving the highest-grade value for the paper Pali Language& Literature in English medium at the first & second semester examination of the second year, B.A. (General) Degree. If the grade values for the students are equal, it is awarded to the bikku student who has achieved highest marks for the subject. In the instance where the highest mark is also same, the award is distributed equally.

III.       Awarded to the bikku student receiving the highest GPA for all the papers in Pali Language& Literature at the second semester examination of the second year, B.A. (Special) degree. The GPA value should be 3.3 or above. If the GPA values are same, the award is presented to the bikku student who has obtained highest average mark. If the highest average mark is also same, the award is distributed equally.

15. Sir Cyril De Soyza Memorial Schorlaship (Pali). 

This scholarship fund was established on 26/01/2006 by the Kalutara Bodhi Trust to award a sum of Rs. 10,000/= annually to the student receiving the highest GPA for the papers of Pali Language & Literature at the first & second semester examinations in the first year. When the GPA values are same for two students, award is presented to the student who has obtained highest average marks. In the instance where that value also same, the award is distributed equally.                                                                                                                       

16. Sir Cyril De Soyza Memorial Schorlaship (Buddhist Philosophy).

This scholarship fund was established on 26/01/2006 by the Kalutara Bodhi Trust to award a sum of Rs.10,000/= annually to the student receiving the highest GPA for the papers of Buddhist Philosophy at the first & second semester examinations at first year. When the GPA values are same for students, award is presented to the student who has obtained highest average marks. In the instance where that value also same, the award is distributed equally.

17. Somilawathie Belgodapitiya Scholarship. 

This scholarship fund was established in 1991 by the public trustee department to award sum of Rs. 9000/= annually to two student monks having obtained the highest GPA for the subjects of BUCU 11013 Buddhist Culture – Historical Background &BUCU 12023 Buddhist Culture – Fundamental Studies at the first year first &second semester examination for the B.A.(Special) Degree programme. If the GPA values are same, award is presented for the student who has obtained highest average marks. In the instance where that mark is also same, the award is distributed equally.

18. Ven. Aludeniya Pannananda Thero Memorial Pali Grammar Award. 

This prize was established on 20/10/2006 with a donation of fifty thousand rupees (Rs.50,000/=) made by Ven. Senior Prof. Wegama Piyarathana Thero, former vice chancellor of the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka who being the disciple of the Late Most Ven. Aludeniya Pannananda Thero, former chief incumbent of Bujaslena Raja Mahaviharaya, Weuda in memory of the letter and it is awarded to two students scoring the highest GPA for the paper on PALI 11013 Pali Writing & Communicative Tradition at the first year first semester examination and the paper on PALI 12023 context of Pali Literature at the first year second semester examination in both Sinhala & English medium. The GPA should be 3.3 or above. If the GPA is equal for students, the award is presented to highest average mark obtained student. However, if that mark is also same for students, the award is distributed equally.

19. Ven. Prof. Moratuwe Sasanarathana Anunayaka Thero Memorial Award Fund.

A sum of Rs. 10,000/= has been donated to the university by Ven. Prof Kahapola Sugatharathana Anunayaka Thero being disciple monk of the late most Ven. Prof. Moratuwe Sasanarathana Anunayaka Thero in his memory. This prize is awarded to the student receiving the highest GPA for the paper on SANS 11013 Sanskrit Language & Literature at the first year first semester examination and the paper on SANS 12023 Sanskrit Grammar & Introduction to Sanskrit Literature at the first year second semester examination. The GPA should be 3.3 or above. If the GPA is equal for students, the award is presented to highest average mark obtained student. However, if that mark is also same for students, the award is distributed equally.

20. Most Ven. Verallane Wimalatissa Nayaka Thero Memorial Award. 

This prize was established with a donation of Rs.10, 000/= made available by the Ven. Sastrapathi Baragama Wimaladamma Thero being a disciple monk of the most Ven. Late Werallane Wimalatissa Nayaka Thero in his memory & it is awarded to the student receiving the highest-grade value for the paper BUPH 12023 Study of Early Buddhist Doctrines at the first year second semester examination. In the instance where the highest-grade value is also same, the award is given to the student who achieved highest marks. However, if that mark also same for students, the award is distributed equally.

21. Ven. Vitharandeniye Chandajothi Nayaka Thero Memorial Award.

This award has been established with a donation of one hundred thousand (Rs.100,000/=) made available to the university by Ven. Prof. Itthademaliye Indasara Thero, former vice chancellor of the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka being a disciple monk of Ven. Pandith Vitharandeniya Chandajothi Nayaka Thero, chief judicial prelate of the Colombo, Nawa Koralaya & chief incumbent of Sri Sambuddaloka Viharaya Colombo in his memory & the interest on it is awarded to the best three students on equal value who obtain first or second class upper division pass for papers on Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Culture &Pali Language & Literature with GPA of 3.3 or above at the B.A.(Special) Degree examination. When there are two or more first class or second-class upper division degree holders, the highest final GPA student is awarded. In the instance where, that mark also same, the award is distributed equally.

22. Prof. Oliver Abeynayaka Award.

This fund has been established by Prof. Oliver Abenayaka to award the scholarship to the student receiving the highest GPA for the papers under the course of Buddhist Philosophy at the fourth year second semester examination of the B.A. (Special) Degree programme. This does not include the individual dissertation. If the GPA values are same for students, the award is presented to the student who has achieved highest average marks. In the instance where that mark also same, the award is distributed equally.

23. Ven. Thichthien Son Abhinandana Pali Award.

This scholarship fund has been established on 08/12/2008 with a donation of Rs. 50,000/= by the chief incumbent of the Vietnam Buddhist Viharaya in Germany called "Pagoda Hpat Hue" and out of the interest of the fund, cash prizes are to be awarded to the student receiving the highest GPA in Sinhala and English medium for the paper PALI 11013 Pali Writing And Communicative Tradition at the first year first semester examination and for the paper PALI 12023 content on Pali Literature at the first year second semester examination. When the GPA values are equal, the award is presented to the student with highest average mark. In the instance, where that mark also same, the award is distributed equally.

24. Ven. BanagalaUpatissa Nayaka Thero Award.

This scholarship fund has been established with a donation of Rs. 100,000/= made available by Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Thero of the Sri Lanka Mahabodhi Society to award a prize out of the interest of the fund to the student who has completed the B.A. (Special) Degree programme receiving the highest-grade point average. If the GPA is same for students, the award is equally divided.

25. H. M. Gunetilake Bandara Herath, P.M.G.R. Punchimenike Scholarship Fund.

A scholarship fund with a donation of Rs.100, 000/= has been established Prof.(Mrs) H.M.Y.V.K.Herath, Department of Archeology,Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka in the name of Mr. H.M. Gunethilake Bandara Herath & the retired teacher Mrs. P.M.G.R. Punchimenike Gamlath residing at No.3217, Dalugalla, Ampitiya, Kandy & it is awarded to the student receiving the highest GPA with first class division pass at the B.A.(Special) Degree programme. When the GPA values are same, the award is distributed equally.

26. Anagarika Dharmapala Memorial Scholarship.

This scholarship has been established as one component of the national festival held to mark the 150th birth anniversary of late Anagarika Dharmapala in keeping with the letter dated 28/11/2013 of Ven. Banagala Upatissa Nayaka Thero, Chairman, Mahabodhi Society of the Agrasrawaka Maha Viharaya, Colombo 10. Accordingly, it has been decided to award a gold medel and a certificate of merit to the student scoring the highest GPA for the paper, Pali Language& Literature of the fourth year at the B.A. (Special) degree programme. When the grade point averages are same for the students, the award is presented to the student who has achieved highest average mark. In the instance where that mark also same, the award is distributed equally.

27. Ven. Wegama Piyarathana Nayaka Thero Abinandana Scholarship Fund (Pali).

This scholarship is awarded for the student who has achieved the highest average value for all the papers in Pali subject at the B.A. (General) Degree examination at the third year first & second semesters. If the average values are same for the students, the award is distributed equally.

28. Ven. Kurunegoda Piyatissa Nayaka Thero Award.

This scholarship is awarded for the student who has achieved the highest GPA for the papers ENGL 21073 – Poetry, ENGL 21083 Making of English& its Structure at second year first semester and ENGL22133 Introduction to History of English Literature, ENGL 22143 Fiction at second year second semester in B.A. (General/ Special) Degree. The GPA should be 3.3 or above. If the GPA values are same, the award is presented for the student who has obtained highest marks for the subjects. In the instance where that mark is also same, the award is distributed equally.

29. T.M.J.B. Thennakoon Memorial Award.

This scholarship is awarded for the student who has achieved the highest GPA for the subject ENGL 32213 Internship & Electronic Portfolio in English Language Teaching at third year second semester, B.A. (General/ Special) Degree examination. The GPA should be 3.3 or above. When the GPA values are same, the award is presented for the student who has obtained highest marks. In the instance where, that marks also same the award is equally distributed.

30. Ven. Hemmathagama Sri Siddhartha Nayaka Thero Award.

This scholarship is awarded for the student who has achieved highest grade value for the subject REST 32133 Religion & Contemporary Issues at the B.A. (General/Special) Degree examination at third year second semester English or Sinhala medium. If the grade values are same for the students, the award is presented to the student who has achieved highest marks. In the instance where that mark also same, the award is distributed equally.

31. Most Ven. Madihe Pannaseeha Mahanayaka Thero Memorial Scholarship Fund.

This scholarship is awarded for the student who has achieved the highest average value for all the papers in Buddhist Philosophy at the B.A. (General) Degree examination at the third year first and second semesters. If the average values are same for the students, the award is distributed equally.

32. Most Ven. Ampitiye Sri Rahula Nayaka Thero Abinandana Scholarship Fund.

This scholarship is awarded for the student who has achieved the highest average value for all the papers in Pali subject at the B.A. (General) Degree examination at the third year first & second semesters. If the average values are same for the students, the award is distributed equally.

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