Ven. Prof. Walpola Rahula Thera Memorial International Conference 

“Future of Buddhism in the Changing Society” 

Organized by the Student’s union of Buddhist and Pali University.


Buddhism, facing numerous challenges and opportunities for the past few decades, has grown up to be one of the most influential philosophies of the world today. As one of the foremost Buddhist universities in Asia, we are responsible for its exciting growth extending its borders from its former abodes to cut  across all the corners of the world. The student’s union of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka has opened up this scholarly platform where the finest Buddhist scholars around the globe would discourse on the “future of Buddhism in the changing society”.   

Conference Tracks

  • International humanitarian law and Buddhism.
  • Archeology, heritage management and Buddhism.
  • Health, western / Indigenous medicine and Buddhism.
  • Economic and Buddhism.
  • Education and Buddhism.

Keynote Speaker 

Mr. Sonam Tobgya

Former chief justice 

Supreme court of Bhutan 

Chairman of the drafting committee. 

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract Submission:  14th of September 2021

Notification of Acceptance:  18th of September 2021

Conference Date: 14th of October 2021

Conference committee

Chief Advisor : Ven. Prof. Neluwe Sumanawansa Thero

Conference Chair : Ven. Senior lec. Ilukewela dhammarathana Thero

Chief Organizer : Student’s union of Buddhist and Pali University. 

Conference Joint Secretaries : Ven.Medagama Ariyadhamma Thero - Yatiyanthota Seelawimala Thero - Yakawewe Nagitha Thero.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Medium : Pali, Sanskrit, Sinhala, English, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, Tamil, Korean, French   

Fonts : Times New Roman, Fm Abhaya, Sanskrit 98, Ms Mincho, Bamini, Malgun Gothic, Sinmyengjo, Simplified, Chinese 

Font size : 12

Line space : 1.5

Word limit : 250 - 300

Key words : maximum 05

Submit your Abstract here


Ven.Medagama Ariyadhamma Thero  

+9477 4851395

Yatiyanthota Seelawimala Thero -  

+9471 8088800

Yakawewe Nagitha Thero -

+9475 8159217


Conference Poster


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