The Senate
The Senate is the academic council of the University. Ven. Vice Chancellor functions as a member of the Senate in additions to holding the position of its Chairman. The other members of the Senate are all the Deans, Heads of the Departments all the Professors, representatives of lecturers attached to various faculties. The Senate of our University consists of 24 members.
Members of the Senate
Ven. Prof. Neluwe Sumanawansa Thero - Performing the duties of the post
02. Deans:
- Dean of the Faculty of Buddhist Studies - Chair Professor Ven. Dr. Homagama Dhammananda Thero
- Dean of the Faculty of Languages - Ven. Prof. Ven. Gonadeniye Pannarathana Thero (Dean - Covering)
- Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies - Ven. Prof. Moragollagama Uparathana Thero
03. Heads of Departments:
- Ven. Yodhakandiye Ariyawansa Thero (Head of the Department of Buddhist Philosophy)
- Ven. Associate Prof. Dunukeulle Saranada Thero (Head of the Department of Buddhist Culture)
- Ven. Dampahala Rahula Thero (Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy)
- Senior Lecturer Ven. Baragama Sadhananda Thero (Head of the Department of Archeology)
- Ven. Prof. Ven. Gonadeniye Pannarathana Thero (Head of the Department of Pali Language)
- Senior Lecturer Ven. Dr Mawathagama Pemananda Thero (Head of the Department of Sanskrit)
- Senior Lecturer Dr. Upul Priyantha Gamage (Head of the Department of Sinhala Language)
- Senior Lecturer Dr. Mrs. Waruni Thennakoon (Head of Department of English)
- Senior Lecturer Dr; Mrs. E.G.I.P Wickramasighe (Head of the Department of Language Skills Development)
- Senior Lecturer Mr. M.H.P.K. Gunasena (Head of the Department of English Language Teaching)
- Dr. Mr. W.W.K. Lalith
05.Senior Professor / Professor
- Ven. Prof. Wawwe Dhammarakkitha Thero
- Prof. Mrs. Sasni Amarasekara
- Prof. Mrs. Yamuna Herath
- Prof. Mrs. M.A.C. Munasinghe
- Ven. Prof. Aluthgama Wimalarathana Thero
- Ven Prof. Lenagala Sirinivasa Thero
- Prof. Mrs. A.L.N.P Perera
- Prof. Mr. Nilantha P. Dissanayake
06. Faculty Representatives:
Faculty of Buddhist Studies
- Lecturer Dr. Mr. Ishanka Malsiri
- Senior Lecturer Ven. Dr. Omalpe Somananda Thero
Faculty of Language Studies
- Senior Lecturer Mrs, Narayanan Mallikadevi
- Senior Lecture, Ven. Dr. Kandegama Deepawansalankara Thero
07. Appointed Members:
Ven. Senior Prof. Kiulegedara Narada Anunayaka Thero
Ven. Prof. Elamaldeniye Sarananda Thero
Ven. Prof. Miriswatte Wimalagngna Thero
Ven. Dr. Koggalle Wijitha Thero
Senior Lecturer, Mr. Sampath Pushpakumara
08.Secretary of the Senate:
Mr. E.A. Gunasena Deputy Registrar (Acting Registrar)
Sub Committees Functioning Under the Senate
Upcoming Events
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Registration for english language coursers
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