Ven. Dr. Dunukeulle Sarananda Thero

Associate Professor
Department of Buddhist Culture
+94112891877,    Ext.


Academic Qualification 

  • B.A. (Kel), Royal Pandit (OSS), M.A. (BPU), M.Phil (Kel), PhD (CCNU- China), Dip in Edu (Col), Dip in English (SBU), Dip in Chinese (CCNU - China)

Academic Qualification 

  • B.A. (Hons) in Buddhist Culture, Subsidiary Subject Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
  • Royal Pandith in Pali, Sanskrit and Sinhala, Sri Lankan Oriental Studies Society, Sri Lanka.
  • M.A. in Pali, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
  • M.Phil in Buddhist Culture, 2007, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
  • Ph.D. in Buddhist Culture, (Chinese Medium), CCNU, Wuhan, P.R. China.
  • Dip in Edu, University of Colombo.
  • Dip in English, Sri Lanka Bhiksu University.
  • Certificate Course in English, Sri Lanka Bhiksu University.
  • Certificate Course in English, University of Colombo.
  • Chinese Language Certificate Course, Collage of Foreign Students Education, CCNU, Wuhan, P.R. China.
  • Public Chinese Language Certificate Course, Collage of Foreign Students Education, CCNU, Wuhan, P.R. China

Academic Experience

  • Lecture (Temporary), Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2015 – 2016.
  • Lecture (visiting), Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2017.
  • Lecture (Visiting), Department of Religious Studies, Sri Lanka Buddhist and Pali University, 2017.
  • Visiting Lecture (Chinese Language), Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), 2015.
  • Lecture, Prachina Middle examination, The Oriental Studies Society of Sri Lanka, 2015-2017.
  • Lecture , Psychology & Principle of Education&, Ministry of Buddhist, Diploma Program Daham Sarasaviya affiliated by University of Sri Jayawardanapura, 2006- 2008.
  • Visiting Lecture (Buddhist Culture), Sri Lanka Bhiksu University, Sri Lanka, 2005.
  • Assistant Teacher (Sanskrit & Pali), International Bhikku Training Institute, Gampha, Sri Lanka, 2001 – 2003.


  • Sub warden, Sri Lanka Bhiksu University, Sri Lanka, 2003-2010.
  • Board of Paper Marking selected as Sunday school final examination evaluator in Education and Ministry of Higher Education Department.
  • Board of Paper Marking selected as basic final examination evaluator of Piriven under Ministry of Higher Education Piriven Section.
  • Served as a member of Education and Ministry of Higher Education in the year of 2006; grade six and ten Buddhist text selector.
  • Participated and became a member of Sri Lanka oriental studies society since 2005.
  • Served as a mentor in Sunday school Gampaha Sucharithodaya Dharma School and certified as the evaluator.
  • Served as an examiner in the Doluwa Board of Authority in Sunday school 2013.
  • Mentor for International Students, 2013/2014 for the following students, University of Kelaniya, 2015.
  • BA Honors Degree Program in Buddhist Studies in Benhuan Academy, In China from 2015-2019. The Process of question paper setting and moderating as well as evaluating of answer scripts. (Chinese Medium)
  • Seminar Conducted, Bachelor of Arts (General) - B.A. (first year), 20015, Center for Distance & Continuing Education, University of Kelaniya.
  • Seminar Conducted, Geographical Expansion of Buddhist Culture and its development in Sri Lanka, Bachelor of Arts (General) - B.A. (third year), 20016, Center for Distance & Continuing Education, University of Kelaniya.
  • The workshop, Ministry of Education and Higher Education. (Priven section), Pali & Sanskrit, 2001.
  • Library Management, National Library Colombo, 2003.
  • The workshop, Ministry of Education and Higher Education. (Priven section), Pali & Sanskrit, 2003.
  • Workshop on Event Management, Sri Lankan Foundation Institute, 2009.
  • Member of the Organizing Committee, Sri Lankan Association for Buddhist Studies, 2008.

Research Interests 

  • Mahayana Buddhism, Pali, Sanskrit, and Chinese Buddhist Sources Studies, Ancient Sri Lankan Buddhist historical Background and Expansion of Geographical Buddhism

International / national Seminar Presentations

  • Sarananda, D., (2006), "Rural Administration in Ancient Sri Lanka and its Buddhist Cultural", 7th Annual Research Symposium, Abstracts of Presentations Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya 8th Dec.2006.
  • Sarananda, D., (2008), "Theory of Ten Villages Administration in Ancient Ceylon", The Third International Conference of Sri Lanka Association for Buddhist Studies December 8 – 10, 2008, Buddhassravaka Bhiksu University, Anuradhapura.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), "介绍中国禅宗佛教" (A Study on Chan Buddhism in China), International Conference on Chinese Studies (ICCS), Organize by Center of Chinese Studies and Confucius Institute, Department of Modern Language, University of Kelaniya, 22-23 sep.2016. (Chinese Medium)
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), "Chinese Zen Buddhism and Philosophy" The 2nd International Conference on Humanities (ICH), The Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, 06-07 oct.2016. (English Medium)
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), Co-Secretary, First International Symposium on Pali and Buddhist Studies for Undergraduates (ISPBS), Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, on 13th oct. 2016.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), Rapporteur, First International Symposium on Pali and Buddhist Studies for Undergraduates (ISPBS), Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, on 13th oct. 2016.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), Member of the Organizing Committee, First International Symposium on Pali and Buddhist Studies for Undergraduates (ISPBS), Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, on 13th Oct. 2016.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), "Influence of Vietnamese Mahayana Tradition for Vietnam Social life"International Conference on Sanskrit (ICSS), Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, and 04 Nov.2016. (English Medium)

Research & Publications


  • Sarananda, D., (2014), "A Comparative Study of China and Sri Lanka Buddhist Culture"(Chinese Medium), Doctor of Philosophy thesis, College of History and Culture, Central China Normal University, China, 2014.
  • Sarananda, D., (2007), "A Critical Study on Rural Administration in Ancient Sri Lanka and its Buddhist Cultural Profile", (Sinhala Medium) Master of Philosophy thesis, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2007.
  • Sarananda, D., (2005), Reasons to decrease literacy level of Students in Anuradhapura District Rural Areas, (Sinhala Medium), Education Diploma Project, Faculty of Education, University of Colombo, 2005.
  • Sarananda, D., (2008), Significance of Poya Day Buddhist Practices, English Certificate Course Project, External English Course, Sri Lanka Bhiksu University, Anurahapura, 2008.
  • Sarananda, D., (2008), Buddha’s teaching Methodology, English Diploma Course Project, External English Course, Sri Lanka Bhiksu University, Anuradhapura, 2008.
  • Sarananda, D., (2001), Editor, Piyawara Article, Education and Ministry of Higher Education, Piriven section, Training Ministration Session, 2001.


  • Sarananda, D., (2004), Intensive Study of Pro-Dhamma Tradition and Coherent Buddhist Academicals Institutions, Author Publication.
  • Sarananda, D., (2006), Approach of Buddhist Civilization, Sarasvathi Publication, Diulapitiya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2013), Comparative Religion, Samanthi Publication' Ja – Ela.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Buddhist Philosophic Proposed" Samanthi Publication, Ja – Ela.
  • Sarananda, D., (2018), Expansion of Buddhist Culture in Asia, (with Two Authors), Magahi, Publication Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Puwakpitiya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2018), Vietnam Buddhist History, Samanthi Publication, Ja – Ela, Hand over for Publication.


  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Prawara, The felicitation Volume, Most venerable the Chief judicial High Priest of Western Province, Saddharma Keerthi Sri Rathanasara Talangalle Somasiri Nayaka Thero, Ven. Dr. Meemure Gunanda Ven. Dr. Nadalagamuwe Dhammadonna Ven. Dr. Dunukeulle Sarananda, published by Jatyantara Sama Mha Viharaya, Gampha.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017-2018), Sucharithodaya Dham Sagarawa, (Every Three Month News Paper) Editor of Main Adviser.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Advisor, Academic Journal, Department of Buddhist culture, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.


  • Sarananda, D., (2005), Society of Bhikkuni, Sarathi, Annual Critical Journal, Ministry of Culture, Central Province.
  • Sarananda, D., (2005), Exploration of comparative study in vision of Buddhist Society and qualities of human emotion about theistic religions, Sambhasa, thirteen Volume, Ministry of Higher Education, Piriven section.
  • Sarananda, D., (2006), Basis of social Indian culture revealed by Diganikaya Sutta, Vesakhada, 2550, Annual Critical Journal, fifty-seven Volumes.
  • Sarananda, D., (2006), Bhikkunikhandhaka of Chullavagga Historical Scripture, Abisrana, Editor: Glakiriyagama Vimalananda Himi, Cyprus Sri Lankan Buddhist Association, Kelaniya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2006), Anduradhapura era Piriven Education and affiliated curriculum, Sambhasa, fourteen Volume, Ministry of Higher Education, Piriven section.
  • Sarananda, D., (2006), Appearance of specialized Buddhist Monks monastic Education and Present Situation, Dham Ama, Critical Journal, Ministry of Buddhasasana.
  • Sarananda, D., (2007), Buddhist Point of View about Drought Reveals in Saptha Suriyuthgamana Sutta, Vesakhada, 2551, Annual Critical Journal, fifty-eight Volume.
  • Sarananda, D., (2007), Comparative Studies of the Teachings in Christian era,"Dhammaraja Rajatha Jayanthi" Critical Journal, Editor: Mhamithawa Pnnakithi Himi, Sri Dharmaraja Privena, Kuliyapitiya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2007), Dhammasavana, Punnayanjali, Explanation of Ten Meritorious Deeds, Vimalajothi Nahimi Abinandana, Editor: Galkiriyagama Vimalananda Himi.
  • Sarananda, D., (2007), Path of Attaining Enlightenment Practicing Meditation, Abivandana, Kotiyagala Chandananda Nahimi Critical Journal, Editor: Kotiyagala Uparathana himi.
  • Sarananda, D., (2007), Theory of Karma in Eastern Religious Vision, Sambhasa, fifteen Volume, Ministry of Higher Education, Piriven section.
  • Sarananda, D., (2007), Significant Qualities of Abhidhamma Kosa, Sambhasa, fifteen Volume, Ministry of Higher Education, Piriven section.
  • Sarananda, D., (2007), Study of Mental Health of Comparative Religions, Pravachana, Meditation Volume, Editor: Liyanegama Chandasiri himi, Buddhassravaka Bhiksu University Critical Journal.
  • Sarananda, D., (2008), According to Khandaka Vinaya, Life of Monks Signifies as Lotus Shape, Vesakhada - 2552, Annual Critical Journal, Fifty-nine Volume.
  • Sarananda, D., (2008), Qualities of Eastern and South East Asian Stupa and Religious value, Ibulgoda Chandananda Nahimi Critical Journal, Editor: Thalhagama Indarathana himi, Ibulgoda Sugathawansa himi, Ministry of Cultural Publication.
  • Sarananda, D., (2009), Emotional Concept of Seeing Dreams and Psychological Vision,Abimani, Editor: Thalhagama Indarathana himi, Publication of Ruhunu Education Association.
  • Sarananda, D., (2009), Examination of Organs and Phenomena, Abisthawa, Udugampola Gunananda Critical Journal, Editor: Arawatha Naminda himi, Rathmalvita Chandananda himi.
  • Sarananda, D., (2009), Inauguration of Chinese Buddhism and Dharma Academic Service, Saddanjali, Aluthgama Bogamuwa Saddaransi nahimi honor Critical Journal, Editor: Sawasthipura Santhasiri himi.
  • Sarananda, D., (2009), Tibetian Buddhism and Buddhist Preceptors, Sambhasa, Seventeen Volume, Ministry of Higher Education, Piriven section.
  • Sarananda, D., (2009), Preview of the Tikanipāta, Anguttara Nikaya, Thika Nipatho – 3, Edit, Patagama Ganissara, S. Godage and Brothers.
  • Sarananda, D., (2010), Questioning and Reveal Buddha hood by Vimansaka Sutta, Pravachana, Study of Buddhist Sutta 01, Volume two, Editor: Homadama Dhammananda himi, Buddhassravaka Bhiksu University Critical Journal.
  • Sarananda, D., (2010), Buddhist View in Metaphysical Problems, Vesakhada - 2554, Annual Critical Journal, Sixty one Volume.
  • Saranda, D., (2013/14), Arts of Mahayana Buddhist Stupa, Prabha, Third Issue, Jayamal de Silva, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya.
  • Saranda, D., (2014/15), Definition of Culture, Prabha, Fourth Issue, Edit. P.A. Amila Madusanka, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Theory of Ten Villages Administration in Ancient Ceylon, Saragavesi, Essays in Venerable Hulannuge Rathanasara, Editor: Dr. Kotiyagala Uparathana thero, Idigaselle Pnyasara Thero.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Atheism and its philosophical background, Pawarthana - 2559, Annual Critical Journal, Sri Lanka Harbor Union, Eight Volume.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Udakandawala Saranankara Hamuduruo, Prawara, The felicitation Volume, Most venerable the Chief judicial High Priest of Western Province, Saddharma Keerthi Sri Rathanasara Talangalle Somasiri Nayaka Thero, Ven. Dr. Meemure Gunanda Ven. Dr. Nadalagamuwe Dhammadonna Ven. Dr. Dunukeulle Sarananda, published by Jatyantara Sama Mha Viharaya, Gampha.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), The Thera Theri peans (Psalms) and their speacial Charecteristics as Revaled by the Nikaya text, Prawara, The felicitation Volume, Most venerable the Chief judicial High Priest of Western Province, Saddharma Keerthi Sri Rathanasara Talangalle Somasiri Nayaka Thero, Ven. Dr. Meemure Gunanda Ven. Dr. Nadalagamuwe Dhammadonna Ven. Dr. Dunukeulle Sarananda, published by Jatyantara Sama Mha Viharaya, Gampha.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Prologue, Dear Masha, Novel, Chalani Bandara, Nethvin Printers, Kandy.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), Progress on Buddhist Civilization of incomparable Subscribe the Upcountry Village Administration, Pujana, Commemorative Volume of Venerable Kanumuldeniye Upali Maha Thero, Editor: Dr. Kotiyagala Uparathana thero, Ethbatuwa Vinitha Thero, Kanchana Printers, Nugegoda.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), Independent Thinking Brighten the Wonder of Buddha,Pawarthana - 2560, Annual Critical Journal, Sri Lanka Harbor Union, Nine Volume.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), Chinese Characteristics of the Vietnamese Zen Tradition, Ganagaweshi, Essays in Honour of Prof. Vilegogoda Ariyadeva Nahimi, Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Rhuna.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), The Origin and the Religious Role of the Mhavihara Tradition, Vidyarthodaya, Edit. Ven. Walgama Sumanasiri, Buddhist foundation of Jiniwa.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), The Mahayana Shunyata Theory in the World, Volume II, Essays in honour of Venerble Elikewela Silananda Nayaka Thero, Edit. Ehelepola Mahinda, Kanchana Printers.
  • Sarananda, D., (2016), The Historicity of Nayanathive Revealed by archaeological evidence, Pragna, Essays in Honour of Venerable Buddhama Pannaloka, Edit. Ven. Dr. Kotiyagala Uparathana, Kanchana Printers.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Brahman Atman concept and thoughtful of Anatma, Sārāda (2015), Volume in Honor of Prof. Ananda Wijerathne, Part II, Volume XI, Ven. Bodagama Sumanajothi Thero, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Significance of Chinese Buddhist Scriptures (E), Pawarthana - 2561, Annual Critical Journal, Sri Lanka Harbor Union, Nine Volume.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), The Buddhist vision of Human Rights, Girihisa, Essays in Hnour of Host Ven. Senior Professor kandegoda Wimaladhamma Thera, Edit. Kubukkandana Rawatha, Department of Philosophy, University of Kelaniya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), An investigation into the Belief of Sukhavati Vyuha Sutta, Sārāda (2016), Volume in Honor of Prof. Ananda Wijerathne, Part II, Volume XII, Ven. Bodagama Sumanajothi Thero, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Origin of Buddhism in land where the sun rises and VeteranFunctions of king Umayado, Jayasumana, A collection of Academic Essays, Edit. Ven.Dr. Rupha Sumanajothi, kanchana Printers.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Traditional Chinese Celebration and Its Historical and cultural Importance, Pranama, Festschrift for Demunnewe Dharmakeerthi Sri Rathanajothi Rathanapala Uparathanabhidhana Nayaka Thero. Edit. Ven. Demunnuewe Upali, S. Godage and Brothers.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Buddhist Ethics for Success in Mundane Life, Vinaya Sameeksha, Ven. Dr. Ethkadure Sumanasara, Godage Printers.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Buddhist History and Cultural Background in Thailand, Vibudhalekha Student Association of Buddhist Culture, Department Buddhist Culture, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Ven. Sangabopura Akhila (Edit).
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), And investigative Study of other religious and philosophies views on Buddhist ethics, Bhadanta Revatabhinandana, Valapane Ganasena (Edit) Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya.
  • Sarananda, D., (2018), Buddha's Teaching Methodology (E), Pawarthana - 2561, Annual Critical Journal, Eleven Volume, Sri Lanka Harbor Union, Colombo.
  • Sarananda, D., (2018), An examination of the Arahat concept of Mahayana Buddhism, Vidyodaya Dharma Sastriya Sangrahaya, Ven. Pitigala vijitha thero etc.(Edit),  Commemorative volume of the Most Ven. Duldena Sri Gnanissara Nayaka Thero, Vidyodya, Colombo.
  • Sarananda, D., (2018), A study of religious psychology, Buddhist Psychology & Psychotherapy, Buddhist Psychology and Psychotherapy, Ven. Kotiyagala Uparathana Edit.
  • Sarananda, D., (2018), Holy Books of Peace Religion, Buddhist Concept & Literary Studies, Wheragoda Amarasiri Thero, (Edit) Isuru Printers.
  • Sarananda, D., (2018), Psychological view of the dream, Buddhist Psychology & Counseling, A Collection of Buddhist Psychology and Counseling Essaays, Ven. Kotiyagala Uparathana Edit.


  • Sarananda, D., (2017), පඤ්චවිධ භාවනා බුද්ධ සංකල්පය සහ බෝධිසත්ව කලාව හා ප්‍රතිමා ශිල්පය, ("The Concept of Five Meditating Buddha's and Boddhisatta in Art and Iconography"  Garima Bharit ), Pali Academic Journal, Second Volume, Naminigama Mhinda (Edit), Department of  Pali, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama.

International Articles

  • Sarananda, D., (2013), "Traditional Buddhist Calendar of Poyaday", Translation and culture Studies, Six volume, Chinese publication, China.

News Papers Articles 

  • Sarananda, D., (2005), River of Dhamma Fountain Flow from Mihinthale, Lakbima.,24 June 2005,
  • Sarananda, D., (2005), Katina Ceremony and Lay and Ascetic Relationship, Lakbima supplement, 04 November 2005.
  • Sarananda, D., (2005), Sigiri Celestial Maiden, Divayina, Wednesday supplement, 25 October 2005.
  • Sarananda, D., (2005), Crime and Development of Present Society and Buddhist Point of View, Lakbima, 04 September 2005.
  • Inauguration of Chinese Buddhism and Dharma Academic Service, Dham Sarana, Jun. 2009.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Thalangalle Somasiri Nayaka himi, Budusarana, 03. Nov. 2015.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Thalangalle Somasiri Nayaka himi, Dinamina, 03. Nov. 2015.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Poda Dhamm Desana, Lankadeepa, 10. May. 2015.
  • Sarananda, D., (2017), Sunday school Students, Gunarathana Dhamma News Paper, 2017.
  • Sarananda, D., (2018), Anapanasathi is a medicine for the mind, Dinamina, 2018. May. 07.


  • Sarananda, D., (2008), Honorable Kotagepitiye Indarathana , Gampola.
  • Sarananda, D., (2009), Honorable Dunukeulle Ganarathana, Kotmale.
  • Sarananda, D., (2015), Honorable Wattapola Rathanasiri, Ghampha.
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