Ven. Moragaswewe Vijitha Thero

Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Department of Buddhist Philosophy

Academic Qualification 

  • 2008-2013- Bachelor of Arts, B.  A. (Hons) in Buddhist Studies in English Medium, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. (Summa Cum Laude) GPA - 3. 71 out of 4.00, First Class Honours.

Academic Experience

  • Lecturer (Probationary), Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka. (2015 onwards)
  • Visiting Lecturer, Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Sri Jayawardhenapura, Sri Lanka (2018) .
  • Visiting Lecturer, Department of Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), Pallekele, Sri Lanka (2015)
  • Probationary Lecturer, Department of Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy (SIBA), Pallekele, Sri Lanka (2014-2015)
  • Visiting Lecturer, Department of Pāli & Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. (2014-2015)
  • Visiting lecturer, Department of Religious Studies & Comparative Philosophy, Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka. (2013-2015)
  • Visiting lecturer, National Seminary, Ampitiya. Affliated to the Pontifical  Urban University, Rome.(2013 - 2015)
  • Temporary Lecturer in the Department of Pali & Budhist Studies, University of Peradeniya.  (2013-14)
  •  Former English Teacher, M / K / Vidumina Primary Pirivena, Nandana Viharaya, Maratugoda, Poojapitiya, Kandy. 


  • President of the Lecturers' Union of BPU (2018)
  • Students' Advisor, Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka. (2018)
  • Member of National Buddhist Think Tank of the President (2016 onwards) in the area of Co-Existence and Reconciliation. 
  • Member of Inter-Religious Congress, 2016 onwards.
  • A Member of Sahitya Sankathana 2016 onwards
  • Co-editor of BPU News letter -2017
  • Vice-secretary of the Lecturers' Union of BPU-2017
  • Guest Lecture Orgnizer 2016 onwards at the Depatment
  • Students' Advisor of the SIBA (Sri Lankan International Buddhist Academy) (2014-2015)
  • Students' Advisor of the Youth Conference, Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka. (2015)
  • Coordinator of the Final Year Dissertation Programme- Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya (2013 - 2014)

Research interests

  • Early Buddhism, Buddhist Psychology,  Comparative Religions, Religion & Post Modernism, Peace Studies, Reconciliation,   Feminism,  Buddhism and Contemporary Social Issues, Buddhist Arts (Buddhist Tourism).

International/ National Seminar Presentations

  • Vijitha, M., 2012, 'Place of Rituals in Early Buddhism and Their Later Development', The National Conference on Practical Buddhist Studies, the 700th Anniversary,  The Asgiri Mahaviharaya, Kandy, 2012.
  • Vijitha, M., 2013, 'Relevance of Buddhist Teachings for the Establishment of Feminist Liberation with Refers to Feminism', The 6th Research Conference, The Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka , Colombo, 2013.
  • Vijitha, M., 2013, 'Personality from a Buddhist Perspective',  09th Annual National Conference on Buddhist Studies, Department of Pali & Buddhist Studies, University of Jayawardenapura, December 13 - 14, 2013.
  • Vijitha, M., 2013, 'Buddhist Ecology for the Current Global Environmental Preservation', 05th International Conference , Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies (SLABS), Sri Sambuddhatva Jayanti Mandira, Colombo.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014, 'Impact of Drug Addiction & Its Dangerous Outcomes & the Future of Sri Lanka, (A Buddhist Approach)'. International Research Conference on Expanding Developmental Horizons through Education, Research & Innovation, General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, August 21 - 22, 2014.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014, 'Buddhist Insights into Religious Harmony in Sri Lanka', 2nd International Buddhist Conference on International Exchange of Buddhism in the Global Context, Sri Lankan International Buddhist Academy, Pallekele, Kundasale, Sri Lanka, September 4, 2014.
  • Vijitha, M., 2013, 'Katham mayam bhante mātugāme paṭipajjāmāti...adassanam Ānandoti..... Does this statement of the Buddha imply His Anti Feminist Attitudes or…? ', National Conference, New Buddhist Trends & Empowering of Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Bhikshu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, December 27 - 28, 2013.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014, 'What Symbolic Aspects Could be Glimpsed From the Buddhist Stūpa in Sri Lanka?', International Buddhist Conference  on 'Evolution of Buddhist Stūpa', Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, November 22, 2014.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014, 'Spiritual Aspects of Fundamental of Economics as Depicted in Early Buddhism',  02nd National Conference on " Multi-Disciplinary Approaches for the Enhancement of Buddhism in Sri Lanka", Bhikshu University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, November 8, 2014.
  • Vijitha, M., 2015, 'Does Laying down the Aṭṭhagarudhamma (The Eight Strong Rules) imply Anti-Feminist Approach of the Buddha?',  Sri Lanka's Postcolonial Legacy (1815-2015), International Conference on Postcolonial Societies in Transition (ICPST), University of Ruhuna, March 2 - 3, 2015.
  • Vijitha, M., 2015, 'Buddhism  & Other Religions (Religious Tolerance)'International Conference on religious Tolerance & Harmony,  Department of Religious & Comparative, Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, Sri Lanka, April 22 - 23, 2015.
  • Vijitha, M., 2015, 'Dhamma-Vinaya Practice, Secular Challenges and the Future of the Buddhist Order with Reference to the Past and the Present', 3rd  International Buddhist Conference on International Exchange of Buddhism in the Global Context, Sri Lankan International Buddhist Academy, Pallekele, Kundasale, Sri Lanka, September 4, 2015.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'New Buddhist Movements and the Future of the Traditional Theravāda Buddhism in Sri Lanka', Theravada and Buddhaghosha: Problems of Identification, Interpretation and Continuation, Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies (SLABS), 06th International Conference, Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, Sri Lanka, July 1 - 3, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M and Dr. Nafel, M. Z. M., 2016, 'The Importance of the Buddhist and Islamic Teachings for the Sri Lankan Social Integration',  ICHSS Conference, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'Are the Buddhist Teachings on Good Governance in  Need?  Dhamma and A Stable Sri Lanka (A Buddhist Approach)', International Research Conference on Expanding Developmental Horizons through Education, Research & Innovation, General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, September 8 - 9, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'The Importance of the Study of the Philosophy of Religion in solving Current Religious Issues', The 2nd International Conference on the Humanities (ICH 2016): New Directions in the Humanities: Our Engagement with the Environment, The Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. October 6 - 7, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'The Mutual Relationship Between Dhamma (Righteousness) and Politics: The Significance of the Buddhist Way of Political Understating for the 21st Century',  04th Dharma-Dhamma Conference 02nd International Conference on Dharma-Dhamma, Bhopal,  India, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'The Importance of the Study of the Philosophy of Religion in solving Current Religious Exclusivism', The 5th International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS 2016): Transformation for Empowerment: Moving beyond Buzzwords,  New Directions in the Humanities: Our Engagement with the Environment, The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardhaenapura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka. November 10 - 11, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'Buddhism through Silk Route: A Study of Ceylon-Chinese Buddhist Cultural Relationships: International Conference on Buddhist Culture and Maritime Silk Road in the 21st Century', Jade Buddha Temple and Department of Philosophy of East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. December 3 - 4, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'Buddhist Practical Teachings on Environment: Solutions for Current Environmental Crisis in the World', ICSUSL Conference, University of  Sabaragauwa, May 5, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'The Place of the Discourses of the Buddha's Disciples  in the Pāli Canon', Post Graduate Conference, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya,  March 31,  2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'What is the Buddhist Approach  to the Philosophy of Religion?', RUICHSS Conference, University of Ruhuna, March, 28, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'The Significance Of The Consideration Of Buddhist Heritage As Sri Lankan Heritage In Establishing Mutual Understanding For A Sound Relationship Amongst The Different Ethnic Groups In Modern Sri Lanka',  02nd International Research Conference, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, September, 13 -14, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'A Peaceful Resist for the Re-Establishment of the Bhikkhuṇī Order in Sri Lanka with Reference to the Buddhist Vinaya', WBSY 14th General Conference, Pallekele, Kandy, Sri Lanka, October 29, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'The Role of The Boddhisattava With Reference To The Theravada And Mahayana Buddhism', Buddhist Exchanges between China and Sri Lanka of the 15th Wu Yue Buddhist Conference, Hangzhou Buddhist Academy, Hangzhou, China. December 2 - 3, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'Be United or Divided: The Significance of the Buddhist Practical Principles to strengthen the Reconciliation Process for Better and Stable Sri Lanka', 7th International Symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, University Park, Oluvil, Sri Lanka.  December 7 - 8 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2018, 'The Place of The Discourses of The Arahant Sāriputta As Represented in The Majjhimanikāya', PGIHS Research Congress,  Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, April 03rd  2018.

Research & Publications

  • Vijitha, M., 2011, 'The Sole Hope is War-Free World for All (A Concise Buddhist Perspective of War)' Vidusarani Journal-ii (Bhikkhu Students’ Union), University of Peradeniya, 2011.
  • Vijitha, M., 2011 - 2012, 'The Buddhist Solutions to overcome Poverty in Sri Lanka & the commemoration of the 2600th Buddhist Jubilee', iïNdId ^ 18 jeks l,dmh& 2600 YS% iïnqoaO;aj chka;s l,dmh" 2011-2012'
  • Vijitha, M., 2013, 'The Buddhist Notion on Buddhist Rites & Rituals Performing', Abhiprasāda (Essays in Honour of Most Venerable Udugampola Piyananda Thero), Ed: Akmimana Dhammapala & so on, 2013.
  • Vijitha, M., 2013, 'The Importance of the Viyagghapajja Sutta (Condition of Welfare) as a Source for Family Counseling', Paṭibhāna (Buddhist Journal), (Ed: Dr. Ven: Bamunugama Shanthawimala),  Buddhist Association, University of Peradeniya, 2013.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014, 'Dhutaṅga Practices in Buddhism'Ñāṇakitti Felicitation Academic Journal, Ed: Ven. Madihe Sugatasiri, 2014.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014, 'The Psychological Aspects Found in the Story of Paṭācārā Therigāthā', Sambhāsanā, Essays in Honour of Venerable Kandaudapanguwe Sudhamma, (Ed. Ven. Dr. Kotiyagala Uparathana), MĀGADHĪ, Publication Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies, Miriswatta, Puwakpitiya, 2014.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014 - 2015, 'Is the Buddha   a Misogynist?', Teneta II (The Third Eye) (Ed: Jayanta Bogoda), Journal of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy & Psychology, University of Perdeniya, 2014-2015.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'Ethical values of Concept of Sukha (Happiness) in Buddhism', Buddhist Studies (Commemorative Volume of Rotumba Sri Ānanda Maha Thera) (Ed: Ven: R. Indarathana….etc, Kancana Printers, Gangodavila, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'Buddhist Country, Sri Lankan Cultural Elements & Civilized Nation', Dharmaduta (Mission of Dhamma) Felicitation Volume in Honour of Ven: Dr. Ratmale Punnarathana, Ed. Ven. Punchiwewe Sirinanda and Ven. Karagaswewe Vajira, Ruchira Printers, Penideniya, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'An Inquiry into the Concept of Personality from the Buddhist Perspective', Senior Professor Kulasena Vidanagamage Felicitation Volume. Ed. Ven. Sn. Prof. Kandegoda Vimaladhamma and Prof. Gamini Hapuarachchi, Department of Philosophy, University of Kelaniya, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'The Concept of Great Man and the Nature of Major and Minor Physical Characteristics of the Buddha as Depicted in the Buddhist Canonical Texts',  Pali Academic Journal, Volume III, Ed: Ven. Dr. Moragollagama Uparatana, Pali Students' Association, Department of Pali, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'An Early Buddhist Approach on Conflict Resolution', Mimasisara Academic Journal (Collected Essays on Early Buddhism I) Volume III, Academic Students' Association, Department of Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'Buddhism in the Eyes of Intellectuals', Aurora: Journal of English Studies, Volume I, Ed. Ven. K. Dhammadassana and Ven. T. Pannananda, Department of English, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 'The Biography of the Buddha as Depicted in the Pali Canon (Tradition vs Pali Canon)', Ñāṇagavesi (Felicitation Volume of Professor Ven. Vilegoda Ariyadeva), Annual Academic Journal, Students' Association, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Ruhuna, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, 'Early Buddhist Notion on Religious Concord without National or Cultural Distinction', Mimasisara Academic Journal (Collected Essays on Early Buddhism II) Volume IV, Academic Students' Association, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'The Uniqueness of the Image of the Buddha in Sri Lanka', Pali Academic Journal, Volume IV, Ed: Ven. Dr. Vitarandeniye Chanadasiri, Pali Students' Association, Department of Pali, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'Religious Harmony is a Timely Need: A Buddhist Approach', Journal of Religious Studies (First Volume), Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Religious Studies Research and Publication Society, Student Union and Art Union of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'Sri Lankan Heritage: A Need of Preservation for Better Future and Understanding', Sandhara Academic Journal, (Third Volume), Students' Union, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, 'Why so many Gods? The Nature of the Vedic Pantheon',. Mimasisara Academic Journal (Collected Essays on Vedic Era) Volume V, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2017.
  • Vijitha, M., 2018, 'The Psychological Aspects found in the Story of Patācārā Therigāthā ', Buddhist Psychology & Psychotherapy ( A Collection of Buddhist Buddhist Psychology & Psychotherapy) Ed: Dr. K. Uparathana, 2018
  • Vijitha, M., 2018, 'Could the Buddhist Teachings on Family Counseling Could be Considered as Family Counseling?',  Buddhist Psychology and Counseling (A Collection of Buddhist Psychology & Counseling Essays) Ed: Dr. K. Uparathana, 2018
  • Vijitha, M., 2009, 'Vaidika Ugaye Darshanika Iganvim Pilibanda Vimarshanayak',  Puspānjalī (In Honour of Most Venerable Diulankadavala Dhirananda Felicitation Volume),    Chief Editor: Ven. Maharambewewe Palitha, 2009.
  • Vijitha, M., 2013, 'ශ්‍රී ලාංකේය සංස්කෘතියේ කලා නිර්මාණ අතර එන බෞද්ධ ස්තූපයේ සන්නිවේදනාර්ථය සහ සංකේතකරණය පිළිබඳ වීමංසනයක් ’, අරහත් සගමිත් පුද II, (සංස්. මහාචාර්ය. ටී. ජී. කුලතුංග),  සංඝමිත්තා ශ්‍රද්ධාකර පදනම, 2013.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014, 'බුදුසමයාගත අධ්‍යාපනික දර්ශනයේ සුවිශේෂත්වය’" Studies in Buddhist Philosophy of Education, Essays in Honour of Most Venerable Kitalagama Hemasara, Ed: Hasantha Wasana Samarasingha, Vivekaramaya, Mirihana, 2014.
  • Vijitha, M., 2014, 'සුත්තපිටකාගත දීඝ නිකායේ ශ්‍රාවක භාෂිත සූත්‍ර, Essays in Pali & Buddhist Studies (In Honour of Most Venerable Palipana Sri Chandananda Maha Thera, (Ed: Dr. Ven: Godagama Mangala & Ven. Madipola Wimalajothi), S. Godage & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, 2014.

  •  Vijitha, M., 2014, “ස්වාමිනී අපි කාන්තාවන් විෂයයෙහි කෙසේ නම් පියථෝක්ත ප්‍රකාශය තුඵසිදටහබසිඑ) ආකල්පයක් ගම්‍ය කෙරේ ද?’ ඤාණෝපායිනී, ශ්‍රී ලංකා රාමඤ්ඤ මහානිකායේ 150 වන සංවත්සර ශාස්ත්‍රීය සංග්‍රහය, (සංස්. තල්දෙන අරියවිමල හිමි....) 
  • Vijitha, M., 2016, .විසිඑක් වන සියවසට බෞද්ධ භාවනාව අවශ්‍ය වන්නේ  ඇයි ? ’ දම්සර. අතිපූජ්‍ය. හැවනේ මේධානන්‍ද නාහිමි අභිනන්‍දන ශාස්ත්‍රීය  සඟරාව, සංස්. දන්කන්දේ සීලරතන හිමි ආදිහු...., 2016.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, .මජ්ක්‍ධිම නිකායාන්තර්ගත රථවිනීත සූත්‍රාගත ධර්ම කරුණු  පිවිමලසර. අතිපූජ්‍ය. උඩුපිහිල්ලේ විමලබුද්ධි ස්වාමීන්‍ද්‍ර අභිනන්‍දන  ශාස්ත්‍රීය සඟරාව, සංස්. දන්කන්දේ සීලරතන හිමි ආදිහු....,
  • vijitha, M., 2017, සිංහල සංස්කෘතියේ අසහාය නිර්මාණය සේ  සැලකෙන ස්තූප නිර්මාණය හා බැඳුණු සංකේතාර්ථ පිනුවණැස ශාස්ත්‍රීය සංග්‍රහය,  තෙවන කලාපය, සිංහල අධ්‍යයනාංශය, ශ්‍රී ලංකා බෞද්ධ හා පාලි විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය.  
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, .මජ්ක්‍ධිම නිකායාගත ඉන්ද්‍රිය  භාවනා  සූත්‍රය ඇසුරින් බෞද්ධ ආර්‍ය්‍ය විනයෙහි විශද ඉන්ද්‍රිය භාවනාව  පිසාරසමීක්‍ෂා ශාස්ත්‍රීය සංග්‍රහය, සංස්. ලාහුගල සුගතඤාණ හිමි ආදිහු....  ශ්‍රී සංඝරාජ මහ පිරිවෙණ, මල්වතු මහ විහාරය, මහනුවර.
  • Vijitha, M., 2017, .බුදුසමයෙන් ඔපවත් වන අධ්‍යාපන දර්ශනයේ නූතන  උපයෝගීතාව’,  භදන්ත රේවතාභිනන්දන ශාස්ත්‍රීය සංග්‍රහය, සංස්කෘත අධ්‍යයන  අංශය, කැලණිය විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය
  •  Vijitha, M., 2018, ‘බුදුදහම සහ මානවවාදය’, සාධාරණය සඟරාව (සමාජය හා සාමයික කේන්ද්‍රයේ ත්‍රෛමාසික සංග්‍රහය - ජූනි කලාපය), සංස්ඃ ෆ්‍රැන්ක්ලින් සනත් ප්‍රනාන්දු.


  • චෛත්‍ය නිර්මාණය හා බැඳුණු සංකේතාර්ථ-Thūpa (Peer-Reviewed Journal), Ed: Ven. Welipitiye Indananda & Ven. Ekiriye Padumasara, Sri Sudarshanaramaya, Puswelgolla, Kendagolla, Badulla, 2014.
  • The Function of the Paramitas (Perfections) in the Path of the Traditional Thervada Buddhist Soteriology- Journal of Pali (Peer-Reviewed Journal) Volume I, Department of Pali, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • Feminist Liberation as Represented in the Modern feminism and the Buddhist Teachings- BPU Journal of Religious Studies (Biannual Peer-Reviewed Journal) Volume I, Ed. Ven. Senior Professor Gallelle Sumanasiri, Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Religious Studies Research and Publication Society, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • Buddhism vs Religion: The Need of the Buddhist Teachings for New Millennia- BPU Journal of Religious Studies (Biannual Peer-Reviewed Journal) Volume I, Issue II,  Ed. Professor Samantha Ilangakoon, Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Religious Studies Research and Publication Society, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2017.
  • The Sole Hope is War-Free World for All (A Concise Buddhist Perspective of War)- Vidusarani Journal-ii (Bhikkhu Students’ Union), University of Peradeniya, 2011.
  • The Buddhist Solutions to overcome Poverty in Sri Lanka & the commemoration of the 2600th Buddhist Jubilee- iïNdId ^ 18 jeks l,dmh& 2600 YS% iïnqoaO;aj chka;s l,dmh" 2011-2012'
  • The Buddhist Notion on Buddhist Rites & Rituals Performing- Abhiprasāda (Essays in Honour of Most Venerable Udugampola Piyananda Thero), Ed: Akmimana Dhammapala & so on, 2013.
  • Dhutaṅga Practices in Buddhism-Ñāṇakitti Felicitation Academic Journal, Ed: Ven. Madihe Sugatasiri, 2014.
  • The Psychological Aspects Found in the Story of Paṭācārā Therigāthā-Sambhāsanā, Essays in Honour of Venerable Kandaudapanguwe Sudhamma, (Ed. Ven. Dr. Kotiyagala Uparathana), MĀGADHĪ, Publication Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies, Miriswatta, Puwakpitiya, 2014.
  • The Importance of the Viyagghapajja Sutta (Condition of Welfare) as a Source for Family Counseling- Paṭibhāna (Buddhist Journal), (Ed: Dr. Ven: Bamunugama Shanthawimala),  Buddhist Association, University of Peradeniya, 2013.
  • Is the Buddha   a Misogynist? Teneta II (The Third Eye) (Ed: Jayanta Bogoda), Journal of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy & Psychology, University of Perdeniya, 2014-2015.
  • Ethical values of Concept of Sukha (Happiness) in Buddhism-Buddhist Studies (Commemorative Volume of Rotumba Sri Ānanda Maha Thera) (Ed: Ven: R. Indarathana….etc, Kancana Printers, Gangodavila, 2016.
  • Buddhist Country, Sri Lankan Cultural Elements & Civilized Nation-Dharmaduta (Mission of Dhamma) Felicitation Volume in Honour of Ven: Dr. Ratmale Punnarathana, Ed. Ven. Punchiwewe Sirinanda and Ven. Karagaswewe Vajira, Ruchira Printers, Penideniya, 2016.
  • An Inquiry into the Concept of Personality from the Buddhist Perspective- Senior Professor Kulasena Vidanagamage Felicitation Volume. Ed. Ven. Sn. Prof. Kandegoda Vimaladhamma and Prof. Gamini Hapuarachchi, Department of Philosophy, University of Kelaniya, 2016.
  • The Concept of Great Man and the Nature of Major and Minor Physical Characteristics of the Buddha as Depicted in the Buddhist Canonical Texts- Pali Academic Journal, Volume III, Ed: Ven. Dr. Moragollagama Uparatana, Pali Students' Association, Department of Pali, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • An Early Buddhist Approach on Conflict Resolution- Mimasisara Academic Journal (Collected Essays on Early Buddhism I) Volume III, Academic Students' Association, Department of Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • Buddhism in the Eyes of Intellectuals: Aurora: Journal of English Studies, Volume I, Ed. Ven. K. Dhammadassana and Ven. T. Pannananda, Department of English, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • The Biography of the Buddha as Depicted in the Pali Canon (Tradition vs Pali Canon): Ñāṇagavesi (Felicitation Volume of Professor Ven. Vilegoda Ariyadeva), Annual Academic Journal, Students' Association, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Ruhuna, 2016.
  • The Uniqueness of the Image of the Buddha in Sri Lanka- Pali Academic Journal, Volume IV, Ed: Ven. Dr. Vitarandeniye Chanadasiri, Pali Students' Association, Department of Pali, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2017.
  • Early Buddhist Notion on Religious Concord without National or Cultural Distinction- Mimasisara Academic Journal (Collected Essays on Early Buddhism II) Volume IV, Academic Students' Association, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2016.
  • Religious Harmony is a Timely Need: A Buddhist Approach-Journal of Religious Studies (First Volume), Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Religious Studies Research and Publication Society, Student Union and Art Union of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2017.
  • Sri Lankan Heritage: A Need of Preservation for Better Future and Understanding- Sandhara Academic Journal, (Third Volume), Students' Union, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, 2017.
  • Why so many Gods? The Nature of the Vedic Pantheon. Mimasisara Academic Journal (Collected Essays on Vedic Era) Volume V, Department of Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Homagama, 2017.
  • The Psychological Aspects found in the Story of Patācārā Therigāthā - Buddhist Psychology & Psychotherapy ( A Collection of Buddhist Buddhist Psychology & Psychotherapy) Ed: Dr. K. Uparathana, 2018
  • Could the Buddhist Teachings on Family Counseling Could be Considered as Family Counseling? Buddhist Psychology and Counseling (A Collection of Buddhist Psychology & Counseling Essays) Ed: Dr. K. Uparathana, 2018
  • Vaidika Ugaye Darshanika Iganvim Pilibanda Vimarshanayak- Puspānjalī       (In Honour of Most Venerable Diulankadavala Dhirananda Felicitation Volume),    Chief Editor: Ven. Maharambewewe Palitha, 2009.
  • ශ්‍රී ලාංකේය සංස්කෘතියේ කලා නිර්මාණ අතර එන බෞද්ධ ස්තූපයේ සන්නිවෙිදනාර්ථය සහ සංකේතකරණය පි- අරහත් සගමිත් පුද II, (සංස්. මහාචාර්ය. ටී. ජී. කුලතුංග),  සංඝමිත්තා ශ්‍රද්ධාකර පදනම, 2013.
  • බුදුසමයාගත අධ්‍යාපනික දර්ශනයේ සුවිශේෂත්වය-Studies in Buddhist Philosophy of Education, Essays in Honour of Most Venerable Kitalagama Hemasara, Ed: Hasantha Wasana Samarasingha, Vivekaramaya, Mirihana, 2014.   

  • සුත්තපිටකාගත දීඝ නිකායේ ශ්‍රාවක භාෂිත සූත්‍ර, Essays in Pali & Buddhist Studies (In Honour of Most Venerable Palipana Sri Chandananda Maha Thera, (Ed:  Dr. Ven: Godagama Mangala & Ven. Madipola Wimalajothi), S. Godage  & Brothers (Pvt) Ltd, 2014.

  • “ස්වාමිනී අපි කාන්තාවන් විෂයයෙහි කෙසේ නම් පියථෝක්ත ප්‍රකාශය තුඵසිදටහබසිඑ) ආකල්පයක් ගම්‍ය කෙරේ ද? ඤාණෝපායිනී, ශ්‍රී ලංකා රාමඤ්ඤ මහානිකායේ 150 වන සංවත්සර ශාස්ත්‍රීය සංග්‍රහය, (සංස්. තල්දෙන අරියවිමල හිමි....), 2014.
  • විසිඑක් වන සියවසට බෞද්ධ භාවනාව අවශ්‍ය වන්නේ ඇයි ? දම්සර. අතිපූජ්‍ය. හැවනේ මේධානන්‍ද නාහිමි අභිනන්‍දන ශාස්ත්‍රීය සඟරාව, සංස්. දන්කන්දේ සීලරතන හිමි ආදිහු...., 2016.
  • මජ්ක්‍ධිම නිකායාන්තර්ගත රථවිනීත සූත්‍රාගත ධර්ම කරුණු පිවිමලසර. අතිපූජ්‍ය. උඩුපිහිල්ලේ විමලබුද්ධි ස්වාමීන්‍ද්‍ර අභිනන්‍දන ශාස්ත්‍රීය සඟරාව, සංස්. දන්කන්දේ සීලරතන හිමි ආදිහු...., 2017.
  • සිංහල සංස්කෘතියේ අසහාය නිර්මාණය සේ සැලකෙන ස්තූප නිර්මාණය හා බැඳුණු සංකේතාර්ථ පිනුවණැස ශාස්ත්‍රීය සංග්‍රහය, තෙවන කලාපය, සිංහල අධ්‍යයනාංශය, ශ්‍රී ලංකා බෞද්ධ හා පාලි විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය.  2017.
  • මජ්ක්‍ධිම නිකායාගත ඉන්ද්‍රිය භාවනා  සූත්‍රය ඇසුරින් බෞද්ධ ආර්‍ය්‍ය විනයෙහි විශද ඉන්ද්‍රිය භාවනාව පිසාරසමීක්‍ෂා ශාස්ත්‍රීය සංග්‍රහය, සංස්. ලාහුගල සුගතඤාණ හිමි ආදිහු.... ශ්‍රී සංඝරාජ මහ පිරිවෙණ, මල්වතු මහ විහාරය, මහනුවර, 2017.
  • බුදුසමයෙන් ඔපවත් වන අධ්‍යාපන දර්ශනයේ නූතන උපයෝගීතාව - භදන්ත රේවතාභිනන්දන ශාස්ත්‍රීය සංග්‍රහය, සංස්කෘත අධ්‍යයන අංශය, කැලණිය විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය
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Results of the Online Short Course in English Literature - O...



23 Jan - 28 Jan
විස්තරාත්මක ප්‍රතිඵල ලේඛනය ලබාගැනීම - ශාස්ත්‍රවේදී (සාමාන්‍ය) බාහිර උපාධි පාඨමාලාව - 2016/2017/2018 අධ්‍යයන වර්ෂ
උක්ත පාඨමාලාවට අදාළව 202...

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