Academic Qualification
- B.Sc (Hons) (UK) - B.Sc (Hons) in Business Information Technology, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom
- M.Sc (Colombo) - M.Sc in Information Technology in E-Learning, University of Colombo School of Computing, Sri Lanka
- Diploma in Computer Hardware Engineering with Networking, TurnKey
- Diploma in English Language, University of Visual and Performing Arts
- Certificate Course in Teaching in Higher Education, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Microsoft Certification – Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
- International Computer Driving License from ICDL Sri Lanka ECDL foundation
- Fellow - APRICOT 2020
- Volunteer - ICOMOS Sri Lanka National Scientific Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (2023 onwards)
- Executive Member - Lanka Network Operators Group (2019 onwards)
- Member - Academic Union of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (2018 onwards)
- Associate Member - The Computer Society of Sri Lanka (2012 onwards)
Academic Experience
- Lecturer in IT, Computer Teaching Unit, Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. (2021 – Present)
- Lecturer, Center for External Examinations, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (2018 –Present)
- Guest Lecturer, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (2018 - Present)
- Lecturer in IT (Probationary), Computer Teaching Unit, Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. (2018 – 2021)
- Visiting Lecturer, Institute of Human Resource Advancement, University of Colombo (2018 –Present)
- Lecturer (Probationary), Department of Religious Studies and Comparative Philosophy, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (July 2018 - Present)
- Lecturer, IDM Nations Campus Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. (June 2017 - June 2018)
- Computer Demonstrator, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya (March 2016 - February 2017)
- Computer Lecturer, Department of Basic Principles, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya (December 2013 - February 2016)
- Computer Instructor, IT Center, University of the Visual & Performing (February 2013 - November 2013)
- Computer Demonstrator (Temporary), IT Center, University of the Visual & Performing (July, 2009 - January, 2013)
- Visiting Lecturer, Institute of Human Resource Advancement, University of Colombo (2012 – 2013)
- Lecturer, Centre for Open and Distance Learning, University of the Visual & Performing Arts (January 2012 - December 2015)
- Lecturer, Centre for Open and Distance Learning, University of the Visual & Performing Arts (January 2012 - December 2015)
- Trainer - ICT in Higher Education for Academic Staff
- Facilitator - ASAP (Accelerated Skills Acquisition Programme), USAID Microsoft Unlimited Potential Partnership (UPP) Programme
- E-Learning Content Developer / Mentor - Open University Sri Lanka, Distance Education Modernization Project
- IT Coordinator, IDM Nations Campus (January 2009 - July 2009)
- Instructor, IDM Nations Campus (January 2009 - July 2009)
- Trainee Instructor, IDM Nations Campus ( May 2008 - January 2009)
- Head – Computer Teaching Unit, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (August 2018 - Present)
- Treasurer - Academic Union of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (2023)
- Executive Member - Academic Union of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (2020 -2023)
- Member - Faculty Board, Faculty of Buddhist Studies (2021 to Present)
- Member - Library Committee (2019 to Present)
- Member - Festival Committee, 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Buddhist and Pali University (2022)
- Committee Member - Revising the curriculum of Buddhadharma Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses (2020)
- Member - Program to encourage recruitment of foreign students (2019)
- Member - Interview Panel, Selection of students for BA in Buddhist Studies programme (2019)
- Member - Academic Union of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (2018 to Present)
- Member - IT Committee, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (August 2018 - Present)
- Member - Technical Evaluation Committee, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (August 2018 - Present)
- Coordinator Special projects - IDM Nations Campus Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. (June 2017 - June 2018)
- Programme Manager - Multimedia, - IDM Nations Campus Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. (June 2017 - June 2018)
- Member - ICT Committee, Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya (December 2013 - February 2016)
- Member - Technical Evaluation Committee (UGC Project), University of the Visual & Performing (February 2013 - November 2013)
- Member - HETC project, University of the Visual & Performing (February 2013 - November 2013)
- Member - Sub Committee for Web portal Development, Strategic Business Unit, University of the Visual & Performing (February 2013 - November 2013)
- Member - Sub Committee for International Relationship, Strategic Business Unit, University of the Visual & Performing (February 2013 - November 2013)
- IT Coordinator, IDM Nations Campus - Kandy Branch ( January 2009 - June 2009)
Research Interests
- Education
- ICT for Education
- e-Learning
- Instructional Design
- Social Media
- Multimedia
- Developing Online Learning Platform for the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (2020)
- Developing Learning Management System (CAL) for Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya (2018)
- Develop and Maintained Website of Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya (2016)
- Develop SiMDeC, website for Simulation Module Design Competition, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya (2016)
- Develop InCo2016, website for Product Design Competition, Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya (2016)
- Design, Develop, Launch & Maintaining Learning Management System for Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute, University of Kelaniya (2014)
Current Research Activities
Research & Publications
- Hettiarachchi, J., 2018, ‘Online Course for Computing Fundamentals at Department of Industrial Management University of Kelaniya’, 2nd International Conference on Global Education and E – Learning, VISUAL 2018 Proceedings, Kaula Lampur, Malaysia, November 12-13,2018, pp. 34
- Hettiarachchi, J., 2018, 'Integrating Multimedia Teaching/Learning Strategies in Undergraduate Education', The 132nd Research Symposium for the Academic Staff of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, February 13, 2019
- Hettiarachchi, J., 2018, ‘Online Course for Computing Fundamentals at Department of Industrial Management University of Kelaniya’, 2nd International Conference on Global Education and E – Learning, VISUAL 2018 Proceedings, Kaula Lampur, Malaysia, November 12-13,2018, pp. 34
- Hettiarachchi, J. (2021). Influence of social media on Sri Lankan Performing Artists during the period of COVID-19. In The International Research Symposium (IRS) “Aesthetic and Media Value for National Development in Digital Contexts (p. 45). Colombo.
- Extended Abstracts
- Dhammadinna G and Hettiarachchi, J.(2022). Challenges Faced by Pirivena Education in the Covid 19 Pandemic Situation in Sri Lanka. In the 7th International Buddhist Conference – IBC 2022 “Buddhist Education: Past, Present and Future” (p. pp. 267). Anuradhapura.
Conference Presentations
- Hettiarachchi, J. (2023). Exploring Information Communication Technology Knowledge and Barriers among 1st- Year Buddhist Monastic Undergraduates of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. In the 9th International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (ICSUSL) “Advancing Multidisciplinary Approaches for a Sustainable and Resilient Future”. Colombo.
- Hettiarachchi, J. (2022). Learning Management System as a Learning Tool for Higher Education: A Survey Exploring the Attitudes of Undergraduates of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. In the 155th Research Symposium of the Academic Staff. Colombo.
- Hettiarachchi, J. (2021). The Attitude of Undergraduates of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka Regarding the Use of Google Meet as a Synchronous e-Learning Platform. In the International Online Conference on “Contemporary Human Challenges: Buddhist and Multidisciplinary Perspectives”. Anuradhapura.
- Hettiarachchi, J. (2021). Influence of Social Media on Sri Lankan Performing Artists during the period of COVID-19. In The International Research Symposium (IRS) “Aesthetic and Media Value for National Development in Digital Contexts (p. 45). Colombo.
- Hettiarachchi, J. (2020). Improve Webometrics Ranking of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka. In the 143th Research Symposium of the Academic Staff. Colombo.
- Hettiarachchi, J., 2018, 'Integrating Multimedia Teaching/Learning Strategies in Undergraduate Education', The 132nd Research Symposium for the Academic Staff of Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, February 13, 2019
- Hettiarachchi, J. (2018). Online Course for Computing Fundamentals at Department of Industrial Management University of Kelaniya. In the 2nd International Conference on Global Education and E – Learning (p. pp. 34). Kaula Lampur, Malaysia.
Other Posts hold in Conferences and Exhibitions
- Conference Coordinator - ICPIR 2024 (2023)
- Joint Secretary - Walpola Rahula Thero Commemoration Seminar (2021)
- Join Secretary - International Webinar on Multilingualism and Buddhist Perspectives
- Member of Advisory Committee - 2nd Ven. Prof. Walpola Rahula Thera Memorial International Conference - (WRMIC) (2021)
- Advisor - Technical Committee - ශ්රී ලාංකේය බෞද්ධ උරුමය : තර්ජන අභියෝග හා අනාගතය - ශාස්ත්රීය සම්මන්ත්රණය (2021)
- Joint Secretary - BPU Webinar Series International Online Conference (2020/2021)
- Joint Secretary - International Webinar on “Religiosity and Secularism in Futuristic Context - Online Conference 2021 ” (2021)
- Joint Secretary - International Webinar on “Pedagogical Efficacy in Global Context - Online Conference 2021” (2021)
- Moderator - Session 2 - The Intelligentsia on Covid 19 - International Webinar on “The Intelligentsia on COVID 19 - Online Conference 2020” (2021)
- Committee Member - බුද්ධධර්ම
කිරීම (2021)
- Joint Secretary - International Webinar on “The Intelligentsia on COVID 19 - Online Conference 2020” (2020)
- Joint Secretary - BPU Webinar Series - International Online Conference 2020/2021 (2020)
- Chairmen - IT Supporting Committee, Sahithya Sankathana (2020)
- Chairmen - Advertising Committee, Sahithya Sankathana (2020)
- Co-Chairperson (Academic Session - Various Implementation in Buddhism) - Ven. Prof. Walpola Rahula Thera Memorial International Conference on Dissemination of Buddhism in the Globalized World - (WRMIC) - 2019
- Chairmen - IT Supporting Committee, Sahithya Sankathana (2019)
- Member - Advertising Committee, Sahithya Sankathana (2019)
- Member of the Panel of Judgment - Pinkethaka Aswenna Art Festival (2019)
- Member - Advertising Committee, ICLSU 2018 (2018)
- Member of the Technical Committee - 5th International conference of the International Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities (2018)
- Conference Coordinator - Edhat International Conferences - 1st International Research Conference on Business Management (IRCBiM), organized by EdHat International (UK) and Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Management, IDM Nations Campus Lanka (PVT) Ltd - (2017)
- Member of the organizing committee – InCo 2016’ , Department of Industrial Management, University of kelaniya - (2016)
- Member of the organizing committee – 1st International Symposium on Traditional Medicine - (2014)
- Member of the organizing committee – InCo 2016’ , Department of Industrial Management (2016)
- Member of the organizing committee – 1st International Symposium on Traditional Medicine (2014)
Workshops Participation and Organization
Workshops Participated
- Three-day workshop on “Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS)” (April 18-21, 2023)
- “Campus Network Design and Operations” workshop (SANOG 40 & LKNOG 7) (October 17-20, 2023)
- “Moodle Administration Essentials” workshop (LEARN & (February 7-9, 2023)
- “Upgrading Curricula and Developing Graduate Profiles for Department” workshop (December 12-13, 2022)
- “How to Publish with Oxford Journals” workshop (Oxford University Press) (August 30, 2021) (online)
- “Write Professional Emails in English” online course (Georgia Institute of Technology, Coursera) (December 27, 2020)
- Network Monitoring & Management Workshop (APRICOT, APNIC) (February 12-21, 2020) (Melbourne, Australia)
- “Qualitative Data Analysis” (Postgraduate Institute of English, The Open University of Sri Lanka) (January 18-26, 2020)
- Participated in a post-conference workshop on Big Data (ICTer 2019) (September 5, 2019)
- “Campus Network Best Practices” workshop (LEARN) (March 11-15, 2019) (University of Peradeniya)
- “Federated Identity Management” workshop (LEARN) (September 26-28, 2018) (General Sir John Kothalawala Defence University)
- Workshop on Writing High Impact Research Article (July 9-10, 2015)
- Educational & Technological Frameworks for E-Learning Tutorial (ICTer2014) (December 13, 2014)
- “Designing ODL Materials for EDP & Distance Learning” workshop (Center of Open and Distance Learning, University of Visual and Performing Arts, Sri Lanka) (July 31, 2014)
- “Developing Course Materials for BAMS Study Programme” workshop (Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute) (January 20, 2014)
- “Training on Learning Management System for Web Administrators” (ICT Center, University of Kelaniya) (July 25-26, 2013)
- “Developing a Continuous Assessment Mechanism for External Degree Programmes” workshop (University of the Visual and Performing Arts, Sri Lanka) (2013)
- “Training for Trainers - ICT in Higher Education for Academic Staff” (HETC Project, Ministry of Education) (May 2012)
- Workshop on Elements and Techniques of Video Production (IT Center, University of Visual and Performing Arts, Sri Lanka) (November 16-18, 2012)
- Workshop on Audio and Video Production (IT Center, University of Visual and Performing Arts, Sri Lanka) (March 16-18, 2012)
- “Strategic Retreat” workshop (University of the Visual and Performing Arts, Sri Lanka) (April 1, 2010)
Workshops Organized
- Online Teaching workshop for Lecturers (Certificate/Diploma in Buddhist Studies and Language Studies) (Center for External Examinations, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka) (dates not provided)
- Workshop on Online Lectures and Google Classrooms for Lecturers (Department of Language Skills Development, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka) (2021)
- Workshop on Online Lectures for Faculty Management Assistants (Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka) (2021)
- Workshop on Online Lectures for Faculty Members (Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka) (2021)
- Successfully completed two-day Training Workshop on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (Postgraduate Institute of Archeology, University of Kelaniya) (August 31-September 1, 2019)
- Successfully completed the CTHE Programme (Staff Development Center, University of Jayawardenapura) (April 2019)
- Successfully completed “Training on Learning Management System for Web Administrators” (ICT Center, University of Kelaniya) (July 25-26, 2013)
- Successfully completed the 4-day training programme on “Training for Trainers - ICT in Higher Education for Academic Staff” (HETC Project, Ministry of Education) (May 20)
Academic Distinctions, Scholarships, Prizes
- Won the 1st place at APNIC 3rd Hackathon held at APRICOT 2020, and APNIC 49 on February 16-18, 2020, Melbourne, Australia (2020)
- Merit Award Best Performance in the Field of IT, Virtusa (2011)
- Medal of Completion, City Campus 3, IDM Affiliated University (2010)
- Top five. Kandy Girls’ High School (2007)
Upcoming Events
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සිසුන් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමේ කාලය දීර්ඝ කිරීම/ extension of registration period for diploma courses - academic year 2025
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Exam Results