Academic Qualification
- B.A., University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- M.A. in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Ph.D. Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
Academic Experience
- Senior Lecturer I Department of English, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka ( 2022.02.01 to date)
- Senior Lecturer II Department of English, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka ( 2016.02.01-2022)
- Lecturer(Probationary), Department of English, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka (2011.02.03 – 2014.02.01)
- Instructor in English, English Language Teaching Unit, University of Ruhuna (2003-2006)
Research interests
- Buddhism, English Literature and Linguistics
International/ National Seminar Presentations
National seminar/conference presentations
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2011), “Motivation and Motivational Strategies to Improve English in the Monastic Education”, Professional Development Programme of the Academic Staff”, Presentation of an Abstract, Buddhist and Pali university of Sri Lanka.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2011), “An Analysis of Buddhist Concepts in a Selection of Literary Works of Sri Lankan Writers in English”, Professional Development Programme of the Academic Staff”, Presentation of an Abstract, Buddhist and Pali university of Sri Lanka.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2012), “Teaching English Through Buddhist Jataka Stories”, First National Conference- Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Presentation of an Abstract, August 24 and 25, 2012.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2012),”Introducing an Effective Approach for Second Language Teaching Based on the Teaching Approaches Highlighted in Buddhism”,5th Conference, The Royal Asiatic Society, Presentation of an Abstract, March 30&31, 2012.
International Conferences
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2012), “Motivationa of R.C. Gardener’s Revised Socio-Educational Model of Second Language Learning in the Context of Motivation Education”, International Buddhist Conference, Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University, Presentation of an abstract, February17-19, 2012.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2013),”Women in Early Buddhist Sciety and Modern Society with special reference the female characters in a selection of Jataka Stories and Modern Feminist Poetry”, 5th International Conference, SLABS, Presentation of an Abstract, September 6-8, 2013.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2015),“The Buddhist Perspective of Love and Revenge With Reference to William Shakespeare’s Othello and Culla-Paduma Jataka”, 4th International Buddhist Conference, Bhikshu University of Sri Lanka, Presentation of an Abstract, December, 4 & 5, 2015.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2015),”Importance of Sinhalese Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes to Inculcate Moral Values and Discipline in Children”, 3rd International Conference, Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, Presentation of an Abstract, September 4, 2015.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2015),”Motivational Strategies Used by the Buddha and their Applicability for Teaching English as a Second Language”, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches(icMA ) Proceedings, Presentation of an abstract, September 11&12, 2015.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2015),”A Comparative Study of Address of Social Issues in Modern Sri Lankan and Indian Poetry”, SSEASR 6th International Conference, University of Kelaniya, Presentation of an Abstract, 2015.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2016), “Comparative Study of Nature Imagery Used by the English Romantic Poets and the Buddhist Theras in Thera Gatha”, 6th International Conference, Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies(SLABS),Presented an Abstract, July 1-3, 2016.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2016), “Inculcating Moral Principles in children through Buddhist Jataka Stories in Contrast to Popular Bedtime Stories of the West”, 3rd Humanistic Buddhist Youth Forum, Fo Guang Shan, Singapore, Presented an Abstract, 2016.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2017). “Beat Buddhism: Interaction of Buddhism in the poetry of Beats”(abstract). International conference “Buddhism: Tradition, Ideologies and Dissent”, Gautam Buddha University, India Presentation of an abstract, 2017.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2017). “Engaging in Buddhist rituals as a psychological relief for the elders”, International Young Buddhist scholar conference, The Buddhist College, Thailand, Presentation of an abstract, 2017.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2018),”An Analysis of Theravada Buddhist Aspects of in Han Yongun’s Poetry”, 4th AKS International Interdisciplinary Conference(IIC), Organized by The Centre for Korean Studies (CKS), Jawaharlal Nehru, University , India, Presented an abstract, May 17-18, 2018.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2019), ''An exploration of nature in terms of achieving bliss of happiness and realization'', Nalanda University, Rajgir, India.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2019), ''Authoritative Parenting Style and Faith Development Theory: Inculcating Buddhist Faith in Children, 5th Humanistic'', Buddhist Youth Forum, Fo Guang Shan, Singapore.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2021), "Input Modification for Optimal Acquisition of English in Online Teaching" Second international Online Conference, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2022), "An Analysis of Social realism Portrayed through Nature in Sri Lankan English Poetry Literature Conference on Environment and Literature", Foundation of SAARCWriters and Literature, India.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2022), Being Enlightened on
"Alternative Assessment; “A day I felt that I am truly playing the role assessor”, Teacher Journeys Conference, JALT SIG TD Japan.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2022), A narratological analysis of Othello and Culla-Paduma Jātaka", Literature Conference on Environment and Literature, Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literature, India.
- Madugodage, N.S.D.,(2023), "Motivation to Learn English in Nurses" , JANET 2023 Conference, JANET Organization, Japan.
Research & Publications
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2012), “Teaching English Through Buddhist Jataka Stories”, Selected Papers (First National Conference -2012, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka-135-142.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2015), “Analysis of a Buddhist mother’s role in child rearing”, Pali Shasthriya Sangrahaya, Department of Pali, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, 67-75.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2015), “Do not let the “green eyed monster” devour you! An analysis of sexual jealousy from a Buddhist perspective and control measures of sexual jealousy derived from Buddhism”, Pranathi, Jeyesta Mahacharya Athipuujya Wegama Sri Piyarathana Nahimi Abhinandana Dharma Shasthriya Sangrahaya, 387-397.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2016), “Inculcating Moral Principles in children through Buddhist Jataka Stories in Contrast to Popular Bedtime Stories of the West”, Proceedings, 3rd Humanistic Buddhist Youth Forum, Fo Guang Shan, Singapore, 118-127.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2016), ‘“Green” literature of the Renaissance; A Survey of Approaches to sexual jealousy in the Renaissance literature’, Aurora-Journal of English Studies Vol II, 67-88.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2016), “An analysis of love and revenge from a Buddhist perspective with reference to Othello in William Shakespeare’s Othello and Prince Paduma in Culla- Paduma Jātaka”, BPU Journal of Buddhist Studies and Humanities (Peer Reviewed Journal), I(i),242-262.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2016), “An Analysis of Buddhist Concepts in a Selection of Literary Works of Sri Lankan Writers in English”, PARIYESANĀ,Journal of PDPAS, Vol I, 87-99.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2016), “Motivational of R.C. Gardener’s Revised Socio-Educational Model of Second Language Learning in the Context of Motivation Education, AURORA,Journal of English Studies, First Volume, Department of English, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka,36-50
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2017), “Is transience transient? An analysis of transience as depicted in Anglo-Saxon poetry”, Aurora-Journal of English Studies Vol III,26-39.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2017), “Eves and Marys in Shakespearean plays: Portrayal of Women in a selection of Shakespearean Plays” ”, Journal of Language Studies (JLS) (Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal), I(i),June, 2017, 102-115.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2018), “An Analysis of Theravada Buddhist Approaches in Beat Poetry” , Buddhist Concepts & Literary Studies, Felicitation Volume in Hounour of Halvitigala Yasassi Nayaka Thera,452-467.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2019), "Spread of Hua Yen Buddhism in the World and its Impact on Beat Poetry", Huayen College, Taiwan:
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2019), "Exploitation of children by the family as exposed in “of Bread and Power”, Aurora-Journal of English Studies, 2019 Fifth Volume.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2019), "Applying Motivational Strategies used by the Buddha in Teaching English as a Second Language", Sri Lanka International Journal of Buddhist Studies (SIJBS), SIBA Campus.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2020), An Analysis of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens as a Social Critiques Aurora-Journal of English Studies, Sixth Volume, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
Research Articles Published in Refereed /Indexed Journals
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2015), An Analysis of Love and Revenge from a Buddhist Perspective with Reference to Othello in William Shakespeare’s Othello and Prince Paduma in Chulla Paduma Jataka(No.193), BPU Journal of Buddhist Studies and Humanities-Volume1,Issue 1, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2017), Eves and Marys in Shakespearean Plays:Portrayal of Women in a Selection of Shakespearean Plays, Journal of Language Studies(JLS) (Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) Vol.1, Issue 1, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2018), A Literature Review Based Analysis of “Island” in the Buddhist Canon and the English Canon Language Studies(JLS), (Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) Vol 2, Issue 2, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2019), Applying motivational strategis uzed by the Buddha in teaching English as a second language, Language Studies (JLS)(Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) Vol 3, Issue 1, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2021), Teaching Buddhist Vocabulary to the Undergraduates of the Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Journal for the Study of English Linguistics, Volume 9, Issue No 1, Macrothink Institute, USA.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2021), A descriptive analysis of the use of numerical morpheme, „ekǝ” (one) by the native speakers of Sinhala European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics studies, Volume 5, Issue 3:
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2021), An Analysis of the Utility of Morphological Knowledge in Teaching English as a Second Language for the Buddhist Monks Language Studies(JLS) (Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal), Vol 4, Issue 2, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2022), An exploratory study of using immediate recall protocol for testing reading comprehension of undergraduates in a selected university in Colombo Language Studies (JLS) (Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) Vol 5, Issue 2, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
- Gamage, U. P. & Dilani, N. (2022). The Rationale behind the Influence of English on Modern Colloquial Sinhala Language. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(9), 11-20 DOI:10.14738/assrj.99.13019
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2023), Cathartic Egression of Emotions in Shakespearean Plays and Buddhist Jātaka Stories, Language Studies (JLS) (Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal) Vol 5, Issue 2, Faculty of Language Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2024), Performance of the concept of time in Buddhist Jataka narratives,
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2024), Bridging the Shakespearean and Jataka Narratives: A Narratological Analysis of Othello and Sambulā Jātaka (519), MDPI Open Access Journals
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2012), Aid to English Grammar, Agahas Publication, Rajagiriya.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2016), Guide to Linguistics, Agahas Publications, Rajagiriya.
- Madugodage, N.S.D., (2017), A Literary Survey of Sexual Jealousy, Lambert Academic publishing, Mauritius.
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